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Geplaatst: 13 dec 2024 om 16:08
Gewijzigd: 13 dec 2024 om 16:09

This game is horribly optimised. On my (admittedly ageing but capable) PC:
  • Shader compilation took 12 minutes
  • The settings confirmation dialog wouldn't load anything but the 'confirm' and 'cancel' buttons (not even the scripts on the buttons to allow me to confirm/cancel) and the 'these settings aren't working' automatic timeout - so i was forced to play on high settings.
  • The tutorial took a whole minute to load (on an SSD)
  • The models weren't streaming fast enough (again - SSD), so my player character and the enemy models in the tutorial took a few seconds to load in after appearing. In actual gameplay this would be inexcusable
  • I averaged 30fps on High.
  • After completing the tutorial, the game crashed, and I gave up,

Netease are a massive studio who have heavy experience optimising games for mobile devices and yet somehow they still really did a ♥♥♥♥ optimisation job. Not really interested in dedicating more time to squeezing out performace.

For context on how poor the optimisation is, my pc can run both mechanically and technically more complex games from just as recently just fine.
For example:
  • Satisfactory (UE5) has to simulate conveyor belts with thousands of objects travelling across them per minute by endgame and manages just fine.
  • The Finals (UE5 - I did have some issues but I was playing that was on a HDD and not the SSD that Rivals is on) had no issues loading player models or letting me use lowest settings for better performance and has never crashed on my system.
  • Palworld (UE5 - Also on a HDD) had no issues beyond load times.
  • Multiversus (UE5) had no issues at all.
  • Payday 3 (UE4) runs at 60FPS most of the time with hundreds of cops and corpses on screen
even Red Dead Redemption 2 (RAGE Engine) and Cyberpunk 2077 (RedEngine) both on High perform better than this third person shooter.

Maybe if you have a better PC I could recommend this.
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