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33 중 4 (12%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Swimming with the fishes

Let your boat sink
2015년 2월 7일 오후 10시 13분에 획득

Jack Sparrow

Escape from pirates without being hit
2015년 2월 1일 오후 7시 14분에 획득

Captain Slow

Run out of time during a mission
2015년 2월 1일 오전 1시 51분에 획득

Lone Wolf

Leave a port without taking any passengers
2015년 2월 1일 오전 1시 51분에 획득

Master Mate

Get your skill level up to Mate
59 / 280

All at sea

Get your skill level up to Boatswain
59 / 360

Close to the wind

Get your skill level up to SailMaster
59 / 460

Know the ropes

Get your skill level up to Quartermaster
59 / 520

Aye Aye Cptn

Get your skill level up to Captain
59 / 547

You da man

Get promoted all the way to Executive
7,590 / 15,800

Crest of the wave

Get promoted all the way to Guru
7,590 / 60,340

Head Honcho

Become the Tycoon of the Yoyo Islands

My Marina

Unlock all boat types
2 / 7

Good Lifer

Play for 12 hours
69 / 720

Great Lifer

Play for 24 hours
69 / 1,440

No Lifer

Play for 60 hours
69 / 3,600

Scuba Sleuph

Find all 6 hidden treasures underwater
0 / 6

Lord Plunder

Find 50 ancient coins underwater
0 / 50

Really Estate

Buy at least 100 properties ashore
5 / 100

Mission Accomplice

Complete 25 missions successfully
5 / 25

Mission Position

Complete 100 missions successfully
5 / 100

Mission Impossible

Complete 200 missions successfully
5 / 200

Hello Sailor

Complete 50 journeys successfully
13 / 50

Hit the big time

Make ten million bucks
1,076 / 10,000,000

Fisherman Frenzy

Catch all 15 types of different fish
0 / 15

I've been around you know

Visit all 52 ports on the Yoyo Islands
14 / 52

Sea Snapper

Photograph all 7 different mission items
0 / 7

Wide Angle Lens Needed

Photograph a whale


Damage your ship in a tornado

Jolly Rogered

Damage your ship from pirates

Are you being served

Serve all 7 different items to passengers
6 / 7

Take my breath away

Run out of oxygen while diving

Jacques Cousteau

Reach the deepest trench