
Käyttäjän SwaggySeas viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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55 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 0.5 tuntia
Early Access -arvostelu
Okay, so.... Where to begin.
This review is coming from a person, with over 2.5k hours in smite 1, and has been playing since season 2.
I am very well aware of the fact, that it is in alpha, and severely undeveloped, but the issues dont lie there. The main issue is mostly Hi-Rez. (Who would have thought.)

With an uninspired, and very much forced and non-needed sequel to the original, or whats left of it now atleast, has been a complete disaster as you could have imagined, coming from the company that is very well known in shooting themselves in the foot constantly.

This general style of development that they have taken, calling it lazy is a severe understatement, even for their standards. Copying bad mechanics from different game genres, while erasing the ones that smite was known for over these last 10+ years, has been but one small piece in this downfall, and this one takes the cake. Mixing together a plethora of other games into one, while not optimizing or keeping it minimal atleast, is gonna be jarring for other players to experience first time, especially with how junky everything feels. Copying other skins from the previous game with just importing existing models and exporting with one or two extra shaders for "Improved Visual Quality" is not an upgrade, it is called refurbishing existing content.

Also, baiting players with the narrative of "Gem Refunding" when they transition to smite 2, only to find yourself owning the new favor currency, while they were implementing the newer form of premium ones, doing it all while disclosing the fact in "fine text". Quite the scummy move.

I believe that not just us, but the inside developers are tired of this game, and are just forced by the higher ups to "beat the dead horse" while its still pumping green lines on the chart, no matter how small. Its a sad fate this game came up to, but it was inevitable, with the corporate greed that has been driving this company and game to its limits, and ours.

And the audacity to pay 30$ for this unfinished mess is a Hi-Rez move on a whole another level. I got the product for free, and i still feel scammed. With how SMITE 2 is looking now, i sincerely dont expect anything better. Even the smallest piece of soul and charm that the original one had, has been ripped out in this edition. Slop content in playable format.

With their desperate moves to drag a player base into the game, with getting steam discounts, giving out free codes in twitch streams, and who knows what they're gonna do next, its pretty evident in what direction this game is heading, which can be visible on steam charts, barely reaching 2k active players daily.

TL;DR.: This game will not reach end development, and it will get shutdown early down the road due to uneducated CEO and Financing Department decisions.

If you, or anyone you know, has purchased this game, do yourself a favor and refund it. The glory days of this MOBA are long gone, and there is nothing to be found here anymore, but an empty shell of what once was.

My deepest condolences to all the players that have spent their time on this game, atleast we made some good friends along the way.
Julkaistu 8. marraskuuta 2024
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 6.8 tuntia (4.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Now all is good
Julkaistu 5. toukokuuta 2024 Viimeksi muokattu 6. toukokuuta 2024.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 0.0 tuntia
Biggest piece of ♥♥♥♥ game i have ever laid my eyes and fingers on. Its a disgrace for a corporation to even fathom this kind of game, let alone charge it for 70+$. If youre up for a really bad time during your gaming sessions, i wholeheartedly recommend to download this game and play it, so you might wish to commit one day to ending your life after you realize what you were playing. -10/10
Julkaistu 2. tammikuuta 2024
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 51.7 tuntia (2.8 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu 22. toukokuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 326.2 tuntia (17.8 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
russians op
Julkaistu 22. lokakuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 2,007.9 tuntia (1,633.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
its alright i guess
Julkaistu 4. lokakuuta 2022 Viimeksi muokattu 8. marraskuuta 2024.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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