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135 people found this review helpful
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2.7 hrs on record
This is what Security Breach SHOULD have been.

Not toned down for kiddies, not random door slam jumpscares or whatnot. Just pure, silent outdoors, with stalking good tense horror.
Posted 23 May, 2024.
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12.2 hrs on record (7.7 hrs at review time)
EXTREMELY disappointed. (Spoiler review ahead)

Like, REALLY disappointed. Alright, lets get the negatives out of the way:

1: No more "Psychological" horror.

Thanks to this new engine, its not like the base game where the literal game files are changing up and adding/removing and all that "WTF HOW?" creepy jazz. Now its just a separate menu labelled "Files" that attempt to mimic to same thing. But with how its all options on screen it feels no different than those games where buttons inputs pop up on screen for you or make 4th wall jokes. Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid on the Gamecube did this better. The horror is there, but I don't think the core "Psychological" is there anymore.

But you know what? A new engine is a new engine, so maybe I can look past that. Well, next flaw:

2: The Side Stories.

"6 new Side Stories about friendship and literature, totaling hours of new content"

Uh no, its just one short multi-part prequel, each part 10 mins, no save ability.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ was this a disappointment. "Side Stories", I thought these were gonna be, well, side events to the main plot, either during the normal school days maybe it branches out a bit or you have a choice to do other things 1-on-1 with a Doki to know them better or just for fun or build relationship or something. Or maybe they were extra stories of the Dokis doing thing together, in a sort of "What if the horror and broken ♥♥♥♥ never happened?" sort of thing

...Nope. Its just short story of how Monika got the 3 other Dokis to join her club. Starting with Sayori who just walks in and takes in, then Yuri who they hand a flier to and wait a day, then Natsuki who just comes in. In fact, I only made it through 3/4ths of the 3rd story (Nat's intro) before I just had to stop because I think it's currently the worst part of the game as a whole. I actually opened Docs and made notes while playing through the Side Stories just because of the amount of problems with it. So here they are:

"Why does Sayori straight up tell Monika of her suicidal thoughts after only a total few hours of togetherness planning more members?

She is that quick to tell Monika but not MC in the base story, who she’s known for so long.

Even with the promise (Promise of helping eachother), its such a heavy thing. Yet she tells Monika faster than her life-long closest friend?

She didn’t want to tell Monika but she does because “She just felt like it”? No clarity if she is being tampered with or anything that made her speak soon.

(Referring to Sayori's depression/suicidal thoughts) “Monika can’t magically make it go away”. Oh so IS all before her epiphany?

“Its so hard to tell people” Yet you tell Monika after, what, she makes 2 notes about her perfectionism struggle?

I know Yuri is passionate about her books, but it seemed WAY too quick for her to openly ask open questions and offer her books to the others only 1 ½ seconds after so much s knowing their names. (Basically shy Yuri introduces herself, Sayori and Monika say their names, then instantly Yuri jumps into offering her books for them to read. Even with MC she waited a day and didn't instantly offer her current book right then and there upon first sight)

Yuri talks to Monika of Sayori taking pity on her, Monika says to mention it to Sayori, Yuri says “I can never say that to someone’s face”. Not “her” face. She speaks in general, yet she did speak it to Monika.

When she’s on her knees after snapping at Sayori, I really can’t tell if its Yuri’s mind or some sort of narration talking. Very strange. (There is a narration that seems to switch between a outsider 3rd part perspective and a first-person view of Yuri's mind)

Natsuki says “I’m not gonna judge people who I just met” yet her very first line in the game is “Seriously, you brought a boy? Way to kill the atmosphere”.

After Nat brings her manga to the club, the scene just ends to next day. No reaction from anyone on what they think of her showing or openly reading her manga?

At one point the text says “If Nat doesn’t respect the club, why should Monika yield to her opinion on anything?”. Except, Nat shows her does respect it. Monika’s just being overdramatic over some manga.

Monika saying Nat’s not fit for the club. Even for you, ms world destroyer, that’s really low and dare I say, out of character."

And these are just the first 3 side stories, before I just had to stop. I really can't stand Monika's extreme selfish entitlement in these stories. This all seems to be before her Epiphany, i think, but still, it is way too strong. I don't even know if I want to read the rest.

I'm not gonna keep updating this with each new flaw I see in a story, but the forth starts with Sayori finding manga and says "Shouldn't this girl have more clothes on", and Nat takes it from her. Uhh didn't she ♥♥♥♥♥ about MC in the main game being a perv or having perv interests? Why does she suddenly have this now? Inconsistent levels are beyond the damn space classroom!

Also i hate how abrupt some of them end. The fade-to-black is so fast and happens usually when the next scene is starting, and it just boots you to the unique desktop rather than to the side stories menu. Also, while Part 1 is unlocked by doing things in the base game, it doesn't tell you part 2 is unlocked by reading part 1's. Wow.

And if that wasn't enough, ive being told the events of the side stories didn't actually happen or exist. Uhh...what?

You're telling me, these events, before Monika's epiphany, and is shown as a prequel of sorts of how the girls joined the club to begin with.....didn't actually exist/happen??? What?! Eve in this broken reality meta game, how does that make sense??? Is this a mod or a story I paid for??

But this before Monika's Epiphany, wasn't it???

Idk if this is completely true but if it is, my review score is going lower, because WHAT?

3: The new designs.

We all saw the updated cute designs of the Dokis on the trailer and logo title pic. New CGs and apparently updated designs for the girls? Sweet! They look good! So, how are they used?

...they never are. Never in story or side stories. No updated sprites, nothing, not even the title screen. The new CGs? Only in Side Stories, currently only one per side story. All the other stuff? Simple gallery collection you unlock by things like picking certain words in the main game's poem minigame or telling Sayori you love her during her confession scene. What a damn disappointing waste. It could have been so good to see them used in-game. Its nice to see them in the gallery when unlocked but it would have been better to see them appear during a story in-game.

(Side note: It was stated before that Yuri using a regular kitchen knife in her suicide was an error, since it was meant to be a special knife of hers. You think in this "updated" DDLC they would have fixed that, but, no...)

5: Trailer Music

The trailer music, the redone DDLC main theme, is good...yet it doesn't play in this game's main menu, or, currently as far as I know, anywhere. More disappointment.

6: "Like"

Why do Monika and Sayori in the side stories say "like" as punctuation so freaking much? They never did that in the base game and it is distracting and kinda annoying.

And small note: Did the devs decide to make the horror things, things that are suppose to be rare and make you question if you really saw it, did they make it deliberate now? In my first run I got the hanging Sayori poster each time the scene was in the club, the slow zoom-in and spin, Yuri's sprite broken, jolting to the demonic fried look, her eye flying away, her bleeding eyes, her creepy face in the poem minigame, Nat's real mouth speak, her blank face and her eye pop, all in one run. Was I just extremely (un)lucky or was it made to happen often now? Because again, just showing it up front removes the "psychological" part of the horror.

2/10. No reason to get unless you don't have an actual computer to get the base game.
Posted 5 July, 2021.
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2,386.2 hrs on record (1,086.4 hrs at review time)
It's not annoying like Fortnite, not a copy-paste like COD. Not woke like Battlefield, and not broken like Cyberpunk.

Plus, it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HALO, the icon the of the golden times.
Posted 10 May, 2021.
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8.7 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
I got his game literally just for Gmod textures.

...but then i thought "Hmm, let's give this game a try anyway. Maybe its fun" (Said by, not a CS fan).

So i tried and...it sucks. The game is either "Do objective or kill all enemies". Killing all the emeies takes like the first 30 secs of a round and then its round over. No chance for the objective. and there is no damn respawn. Dead, you spectate till next round (Ok, maybe there are servers with respawn, but i haven;t seen any). How can you do anything in the game when killing all enemies will end it instantly?

Loudout sucks to. Gotta buy within a menu at the start of a round. Die, you gotta puchase again. The in-game money lowers each time you buy, and only refills a bit at the start of a new round. So basically, you can spend alot to try and withstand a bit more damage and a good weapon, but if its too low, you stuck with pistol and knife until it can refill enough, making the game less fun since now you're dying to everything in one hit. I may only have 0.9hrs, but i tried.

Buy for GMOD textures only, imo.
Posted 1 November, 2018.
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165.3 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
My laptop can play Subnautica, Skyrim, Dead Rising 2, and others flawlessly, but this game is just slow, and the camara during driving is hyper slippery even on lowest mouse sensitivity.

I reduced all graphic/Visual settings and still its a low frame.

It is a great game i recommend, but you need a very powerful good PC for this, so, for the majority of you, buy it and play to test if your PC can handle it, and refund immeditely if it cant.
Posted 1 October, 2018.
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7.1 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
How the hell does the item system work? It shows my loadout, but when i die i respawn with 3 different guns everytime and then these random special items appear? Like how does that work and whats going on? Shouldn't i respawn with my loadout? And also, how do you even customize your loadout? It always tells me what my new item is, with no option to put it in?. Combined with how there does not seem to be NO Iron sight (Holding the gun right in front of you so you can aim better) except snipers, and there is a hacker on EVERY DAMN SERVER.

Also, in a game like COD, where you have to, say, plant bombs and defuse, when you died there, you respawn. But here, its like you have one life. Once you kill all people on opposite team once, round over, which makes games like 12 secounds long, almost...Demo like. Whats the deal there? For rea, "Blow up bomb or eliminate enemy team". There is not much action going on there with that 2nd part. By the time i get to middle of map-OH, games over. We killed everyone on the other team. -_-

Also, is their a run button or somehing? It seems some people can sprint. The game is not clear on controls.

Between the ABSOLUTELY CONFUSING-AS-♥♥♥♥ weapons "cycle" (i guess) that WILL leave you confused as to what the hell a loudout is for, Hackers everywhere, and the fact that 90% of gamemodes end in just LITTERALY, NO EXAGGERATING 12 secounds from killing the other team, or 1 minutes since objectives are so short and to easy...

I recommend you DO buy it, and give it chance, to feel out how...dumb (i guess) it is, but REFUND immedietly.

I like playing with Bots tho (BUT I WISH THERE WERE BETTER GAMEMODES AND MORE MAPS), so i aint mad. Just, the online is ridiculous.
Posted 13 May, 2017.
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