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6.8 hrs on record
Much shorter than The New Order. Stealth doesn't exist. Enemies will hear or see you whatever the approach you take, so the best solution for every stage is just to run for a kill of chief commanders to stop them from calling support, then clear the stage from the rest of enemies and explore every corner in peace.

I really liked the setup, monumental buiildings, the castle, Paderborn, Wulfburg, nazi Germany in late 40's, very climatic, but that was always the strongest aspect of Wolfenstain games.

Didn't like the zombies, sci-fun/fantasy late game stages, final boss pretty annoying as well. They figured it's too easy on it's own so they decided to throw regular enemies at you during the fight. Such moves are always bs.
Gun feeling is not as good, story is weaker than in TNO, but the environment and the world around really keeps you interesed enough to keep going with hunger for more.

Overall - mediocre. Get it only on a discount.
Posted January 14.
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44.6 hrs on record (44.5 hrs at review time)
It's a very good game considering the story and the whole universe, but I just struggle to find here the "meat". Gameplay has no feeling, combat is bland and offers no real challenge.
Plenty of potions, magic, screams, weapons, many things to choose from, but the core mechanics of PvE s just unsatisfying and carries no weight.
All the locations seem more relevant and livable then in Oblivion but at the same time look sooo obscure and uninteresting.
Number of quests completely overwhelm the player, targets are spread out all over the map from the very beginning of the game. All these missions and tens or even hundreds of named NPC's make you fed up pretty quick If you have a feeling to be perfectionist and try to help everyone.

I don't blame all the folks who love Skyrim but never even finished it, just playing for fun. I think that this game is somewhat a GTA in a fantasy world. It is a big sandbox where you can have a lot of fun by just wandering around and doing whatever you like, just like in GTA. The possibilitied and flexibility this game offers trully can attract many casual players who are looking for an easy going entertaniment. I get that.

I spent 700h in GTA and never finished it, because I couldn't force myself to play the story. I think I have the same feeling about Skyrim. I was doing quests for fractions and main story, I visited Solstheim and saw another big chunk of new teritory, probably filled up with new content and I immediately felt tired - not excited, but just tired.
But.,.. yeah, this game encourages me to stay, play some more in my spare time, do some silly stuff, try some other things, don't take it too seriously, install a few mods and just have some fun from time to time.

To me, it doesn't work as a standalone singleplayer campaign and doesn't have fair, exciting combat, but c'mon this is Skyrim, you gonna find your way here.
Posted June 27, 2024.
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10.8 hrs on record
One of the most enjoyable shooters I've played so far.
It is evenly story-driven and gameplay-driven. This feels like an action TV series.
Took me less than 11 hours to finish this game, but these hours were packed with content. Something new, something fresh over and over again.
It's a great game for any casual gamer, especially If you'are fascinated with alternative history that this game presents. Perfect game for you If you enjoyed "Man in the High Castle", less realistic though.
Posted June 1, 2024.
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63.8 hrs on record
Yes! Finally.
AAA game for casuals that gives you an actual, fair challenge. Machines are intimidating, especially during late game. Fighting them is a matter of knowledge and sometimes strategy. You have a lot of tools to try, many angles of approach. PvE allows player to be creative and thoughtful. Sometimes fighting a huge, menacing foe takes a bit of time, but the game rewards you with huge ammount of exp for that.

The world is well written, discovering clues about what happened in the past is really enjoyable. I was listening to messages left by the "ancient" people and reading their stories with authentic curiosity.
C'mon... you are raised in the world dominated by machines, with signs of advanced civilisation living there hundreds or thousands years ago, but somehow all the people nowadays are living in a tribe-like manner, hunting machines for metal parts usable to make weapons or tools, but now knowing anything about them and where do they came from.

Characters are not as shallow as in for example Ubisoft games. It's not a Witcher-like level, but still not just some NPC's with cliche personalities. All these things make you wanna push the story further and grind for better equipment since hunting down machines is rewarding and enjoyable.

It's just a satisfying gameplay mixed with interesting world, characters and beautiful graphics. Quality, universal game, not without some minor issues (stormbirds are bullsh*t), but still in my opinion Horizon is a title suitable for casuals and hardcore gamers as well.
Posted March 9, 2024.
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47.0 hrs on record
I was charmed by Fallout 1 back in 2023 when I finally had my first playthrough of this classic.
Today I finished Fallout 2, a game I was a little afraid of because I've heard it's much more difficult than the first Fallout.
And yes, indeed it is. I eventually had to make use of one trick from YouTube to boost my character, because after about 25h of gameplay I started to come across enemies that were really tough while I still had the same armor and less then decent fire power.

On the other hand, Fallout 2 looks and feels exactly the same as Fallout 1 (it's just much bigger and diverse), so If you already got in touch with mechanics of its prequel you'll immediately find yourself comfortable with the gameplay of this title.

To play this game correctly you either have to have a lot of "BIG BRAIN" moments or just use tutorials from the internet. Quests have different solutions, good outcomes are often hidden, unclear or unintuitive, but that's the charm of the old Fallouts.

You know what... f*ck this, I fell in love with Fallout for god's sake. The MUSIC, heavy atmosphere, feeling of danger, immersion (despite its age), the story... I wish to play games only like this - challenging, visionary, intriguing, diverse, balanced and fair, with the real feeling of progress in terms of story, character development and "eureka" moments.
Yes, the Fallout series got a new fan. I look forward so much to play sequels and fall again in arms of this unique post-apocalyptic world.
Posted January 15, 2024.
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19.2 hrs on record
100% in less than 20h? Yeah, get this game at a discount.

Gameplay-wise it's the most pleasant and addictive Far Cry I've played, I sat and played these 20h throughout 3 days. Yet, I understand why it got so much hate on a release.
The map is small and mostly recycled from Far Cry 5 which is a prequel to this title. There are even Joseph Seed and Eden followers in New Dawn.
The twin sisters are good antagonists although cliche as f*ck, but every time they appear on a screen some interesting things happen.
I liked the RPG-ish system implemented here. Enemies can be on four different levels of difficulty and you won't do much to them If your weapon is underleveled. On the other hand If you already obtained super powerful weapons the enemies on lower levels are laughably easy to bear.
Some people may say this system is unnecessary, but I personally really liked that possibility to gear yourself as fat as possible and feel like a super fast killing machine.
There is just a tiny bit of grinding to achieve this, but the gameplay - as said above - is very pleasant, so conquering outposts or participating in events that get you resources was actually delightful.

Ah... and the world completely doesn't feel like post-apo. They have everything, clothes, weapons, cars, food, water, electricity is running everywhere. A few mutated animals and ruins don't do much to the overall narrative.

Far Cry New Dawn is a short, but well packed piece of a game. Story and gameplay are very easy going. Crafting better equipment and gathering stuff to upgrade our base makes it addictive. I recommend this title to everyone who enjoyed previous Far Cry games.
Posted December 18, 2023. Last edited December 18, 2023.
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49.0 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
Well, I gave this game almost 50h of gameplay and eventually realized that the best decision for me is to stop playing it.
It's not a bad game I tell you that. It's a light title, somewhat enjoyable, but to be honest not that immersive and not interesting enough to keep me going.
The battle is most of the time very repetitive (only boss fights can sometimes raise your heart rate). The world is small, but appears big because there is no other way to travel across it but your foot. Horses or any kind of vehicles don't exist in the game world.
The main story and side factions quest lines are pretty interesting and complex, but still based on very generic concepts and with no memorable characters around. These stories actually kept me going for a couple of hours more before I quit.
There are also tons of side quests shown on your map as exclamation marks, but those are not related to factions and main storyline, not really rewarding and I realized there is no reason for taking these quests after around 35h of my gameplay.

What's impressive about Kingdoms of Amalur is tons and tons of dubbed NPC dialogue in the game world. Literally any NPC you meet has something unique to say about several different topics, showing different perspectives and using different words. It was truly surprising. I've never met so many dialogs put into the voice-acted game. It feels almost unnecessary sometimes to be honest.

I could speak about character development, overall design, music etc. but let's make it simple and say that this game is just the definition of the word "MEDIOCRE". Everything about this game seems just mediocre, kinda generic and very safe. Again, it's not a bad title, but you will be better spending your time on some more unique and more interesting games out there.
Posted October 21, 2023. Last edited December 2, 2023.
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25.0 hrs on record
2023 is my first time playing this game. This is my start with the Fallout series and... I can't wait to play the sequels!
I fell in love with this title. The atmosphere, the environment, the music. After 25h of clumsy gameplay I've eventually beaten this game, but I want more! I will definitely be coming back to the OG Fallout one day, especially considering the fact that this game is sooo unclear to newcomers like myself. There is just no way to figure out half of the shenanigans happening around without the guides from the internet.

For a modern player It is indeed pretty hard to get into this title. Interface, combat, lack of any ingame instructions can be overwhelming, but the world shoved into your face from the very beginning makes you want to overcome these obstacles and become a part of its history.
After playing some other post-apo titles like Metro or Elex I think that Fallout made the world ingame by far the most intriguing and interesting. I'm really starving for more!
Posted September 26, 2023. Last edited September 26, 2023.
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104.9 hrs on record
This is not the game for players like me.
If you like to explore the world, do all the side quests, join every faction and develop your character to become more and more powerful, then Oblivion is not the game for you.
My advice is, If you wish to enjoy this title do not exceed your gametime past 100 hours, try to keep your exploring intact, do the main story along with a several side activities and try to finish the game without visiting every place you come across while traveling the map.
I wish I knew that earlier, but there is a point in this game where leveling your character has no more sense, attributes are maxed out, your equipment is top tier and there is no space for further improvements. Leveling up after a certain point just makes your enemies have more health and hit you harder without giving you anything in return, so you suddenly find yourself in a position where you even avoid sleeping in beds to not level any further.
Leveling system and level scaling in this game is the worst thing I experienced in any RPG game (and I played a lot of these). This is literally the first game I abandoned. I feel terrible, because I was always pushing myself to beat every title I've played, but this time I've failed.

I HATE when an RPG game hits the point when you stop feeling yourself becoming more powerful, when there is nothing more to surprise you, no more items, no more foes. Oblivion gives you such a big world, but fails to deliver a character development system and diversity to keep you going.

And the last aspect which was a nail to the coffin is a fighting system. I could carry on through the game If the combat was satisfying enough. In AC Odyssey, Sekiro or Cyberpunk I also made myself powerful to the limits and there were no more rewards and no more foes for me, but a good combat system gives pleasure and brings enough satisfaction to play the game just for the sake of utilizing it.
This is not the case in Oblivion. There is no weapon feeling, hitting someone doesn't carry any weight to it and there is no freedom of approach.

I feel honestly sad leaving such an iconic game behind. I fell in love with Morrowind. This time tho, mistakes were made. This was my second Bethesda game. I do hope they didn't f*ck up any other titles in a similar way. Time will show If I become a fan of Todd Howard or one of his haters.
Posted September 12, 2023. Last edited September 12, 2023.
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37.7 hrs on record
I'm really surprised how quickly these 37h of gameplay have passed.
Far Cry 5 is a very easy going game, feels very light and relaxing. Ubisoft puts more effort to make you feel like a part of a certain community, sorrounding you with many NPCs and short stories about anything you come across in Hope County.
Crafting is simplified in this one. You don't need to hunt for skins or do any fishing. Those mechanics are in the game, but purely as a side activity you can do If you feel like it. You upgrade your equipment purely by collecting talent points which are obtainable by literally any activity you do in the game.
You just don't feel any preasure whatsoever in terms of character build but also in actual missions. There are only maybe a few timed events, you have a freedom of choosing your own approach or which mission you would like to do first, just by travelling to certain points in the map.

Main antagonist Joseph Seed is a top for me, right next to Pagan Min and Vas. I don't think he is less deep or less interesting then these two. His family also played a big role in the story.
Generally If you enjoyed Far Cry 3 and 4, you will definitely enjoy this one. It's same stuff, but somehow less punishing, more flexible and less stressfull. It doens't make it boring, Ubisoft filled it NPC's with small stories and anegdots here and there which just keeps you going.

DLC's: I finished Hours of Darkness within 2 or 3 hours. I liked it, very stealth focused, definitely much more intense than the base game. Tells a story about an American soldier who survived helicopter crash and found himself in the middle of a Vietnamese jungle. Requires some focus, but still pretty relaxing to play.

Dead Living Zombies I didn't even touch. Timed events, linear gameplay, just doesn't appeal to me really. I'm not a fan of just a mindless slashing through hords of zombies. Just not for me.

Lost on Mars: At a fist glance It looked fantastic. I was hyped for this DLC, but... it's sooo linear, despite having some kind of an open world you just need to follow the natural progression from point to point and If it wasn't enough, you have a constant company of a person named HURK.
I can't understand how Ubisoft finds idea of putting him in every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Far Cry as a right choice. The most annoying character in the franchise. This DLC is entirely around his persona. I was an hour into this and I decided that this whole thing is just too damn linear and annoying. Also stealth is not an option, you just blast lasers at each other with some spiders. It's a meh...

To sum it all up. Buy a base game on a sale, It's a really pleasant experience, but c'mon, these 30h are not worth the full price. Skip the DLC's, you won't miss anything.
Posted July 25, 2023.
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