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A simple, yet fun FURRY Hack n Slash...

Atlyss is, in its core, a action hack n slash game. Its nothing new nor something "gamebreaking" in what it is. If you come from games like Spiral Knights or, RIP, Maple Story 2 you sure will enjoy how Atlyss plays as well.

Wait wait...FURRY!?

Yes. Atlyss creator and sure most of its community is Furry based, to mark the big elephant in the room right now.
Does it mean its now "bad" or something because you play a fluffy character which miiiight has suggestive hip and boob sizes?
I mean how many Anime games do exist where noone literally asks such questions~? I sure can name some and noone cares there so why should you?

Fun by side, Atlyss gameplay is what counts here the most. Yes, sure, it has suggestive themes but nothing to adult-ish or similar. Again, if you played "horny anime" games, you cant be the one judging this game for something like that - next to this, you can create your character yourself so if YOU give it such sizes, its on you.

Simple yet fast gameplay, maybe to difficult at the beginning
Atlyss offers 5 different Races you can play as which you can costum in a lot different levels (Face, tail, textures, "sizes", etc) and as soon as you reach Level 10 ingame, youre able to choose 1 of 3 jobs, which are:

- Warrior, the Melee fighter and Tank
- Mystic, the Mage and Support
- Bandit, the Range and swift fighter

Yes, At first, it sounds as barebones as it can get, basically "Mage, Warrior n Ranger" and thats it.
This..."Can" maybe later on a problem because it does miss some varity of gameplay because of that - it still doesnt mean its bad though because the "bases" ARE coverd.

I personally wish there would be a Summoner or "Engi" class but we will see what will come (though i doubt that will happen).

As for the gameplay itself, Atlyss fight is fast pased, to fast maybe for beginners. Its basically reminds me of old classic Super Nintendo games like Secret of Evermore/Mana with the fight system or games like i counted up earlier - just a biiiiit faster.

Is it hard at times? Maybe but than its fun to overcome this challenge tbh - and playing it in a group with others makes great fun as well.

"E.A. State"

As of right now, Atlyss offers a playtime (+/- grind) of good 10-25 hours if you enjoy the endgame grind right now. It has 1 dungeon right now with 3 different difficulties and another, "endgame" one (so 2 in total) with one set difficulty to tackle, next to some more open areas you can explore which really remind me, gameplay wise, of Phantasy Star Online from the DC days.

This is also something a LOT negative reviews forgot about...
Again the game IS in E.A. state. Sure it has some bugs, some QoL things are missing right now and the balance between some enemies and classes might be off, overall though its a fun game to play and i enjoy to see how big this game will grow.

I dont see a reason to complain about it -yet- wile the game is still in said E.A./Beta state, we are not talking about an AAA-full released game which is buggy from the start but a very very early beta version which is given out for 10 bucks in the public with limited content and sure some bugs, so keep that P L E A S E in mind that this game is still "Work in progress"...

So is it worth it?

Wile you can sure see that Atlyss is in the E.A. phase, i sure think its worth playing and its price. If you enjoy games like Phantasy Star Online 2, Spiral Knights or Maple Story 2 (RIP), You will sure enjoy the gameplay Atlyss offers.

Wile it has suggestive content, its not to much - i mean we can say the same with Phantasy Star Online 2s cosplays if you think about that so you will survive that. Is it mostly made for Furries? No doubt but that is not a problem. If you play Animal Crossing or Webfishing, why should you care anyway.

Recommended - Still in E.A. Phase and sure room to improve but worth its price for sure.
Đăng ngày 25 Tháng 11, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 30 Tháng 11, 2024.
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4 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
9.8 giờ được ghi nhận (9.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Greetings from the late 80s!
Pampas & Selene: The Maze of Demons is a GREAT homage to Konamis 1987 game "The Maze of Galious" which, if you dont know, you can easily see if you put both side by side - Next to this has Pampas & Selene even some eastereggs which literally "hint" of The Maze of Galious. In its core, Its a basic Metroidvania-like game but the simple addition of a coop mode makes it one of the best games i lately played - i would even go so far and say that we srsly need nowadays more games like Pampas & Selene.

Follow the Adventure of Pampas & Selene in this game which tells us a story of a Kingdom which lived in peace for nearly 40 years. Now, Evil returned and its up to them to save the day.
This is basically the story of the game, keeping it short of course.

So you play either Pampas, the noble knight which swings his sword and his bow to kill the evils or Selene, the novice mage which uses her staff to get rid of evil - and you play them both at the same time.

Both play slightly different and learn different skills and get different equipment over the time which makes it nice to play and reminds me of games like Lost Vikings or already said The Maze of Galious.

The kicker here is though that you can play it like said The Maze of Galious in solo mode so you have to switch your characters around when ever you need the other
You play coop with a buddy of yours - locally OR online!

And playing THIS coop is a big deal (BUT CAREFUL!)
Serious to say that the whole game can be played in online & local Coop AND makes a whole lot of fun. There are barely any games nowadays which come even close to what Pampas & Selene offer - gameplay wise.
Funny though: The only game which "Kinda" comes close Pampas & Selene would be maybe "Unepic", another game from the same dev (which you should also check yout tbh!).

Its fun because not only can you do the journey together but you feel like you help each other out because of how different each character works.
Selene is maybe weak in close range but can shoot later strong magic, making her a great crowdcontroler and huge damage dealer in range. Pampas cant swim maybe but he can use a shield to block projectile attacks and use later on his bow which might be weak but can be shot in a rapid fire - He also learns later skills which allow him to reach higher places, helping Selene from the skies.

But here is a small warning...
As of right now, COOP is a bit "buggy" and some things still need to be balanced out. Some Bosses, as one sample, have attacks one character just cant avoid because normally in solo play, you would just switch the character to avoid said attack.
Same goes with some other bugs in which some things might not spawn right...
I as sample had a major gamebreaking bug which let me not get one VIRAL Item i needed for the end of the game so me and my buddy i was playing the game were not able to finish it...
So we did what we had to: My friend played the game solo wile i watched him playing, he collected and got all the items and bosses till the end-boss. I reconected to him and we finished he boss - the end :3

So yea, over all, its really a super enjoyable part to play the game coop but it needs sure some fine-tuning right now but as much as i know and saw, the dev is already on it and fixed some minor and major problems.

As of today, i got a personal note that those bugs are fixed so again, it seems like if you really do have a problem, the dev is trying to react really fast on those - so a great plus for that as well!

Do i recommend it?
I finished the game "basically" With my friend together in coop and we both had a great time. We didnt rush it and we finished it first-play in around 7-8 Hours with all items collected (still on all the secrets though!). As i said, Pampas & Selene is a great homage of a game and that can be seen in the game itself. It might be someone simple at first but plays super fun and enjoyable - even more with a buddy (but again, keep in mind they still fixing the bugs).

So do i recommend it? Yes, i fully do.
Pampas & Selene is a rarety of a game nowadays and, as i said, nowadays, barely similar games do exist next to maybe Unepic or the Trine series (well, somewhat at least). Its a simple collectathon Metroidvania with really great artwork of pixelstyle and people which enjoy such 2D Vanias should buy it.
You can see how much love the dev put in this game just by looking at the ending or extra content alone (srsly, its even somewhat cute, trust me).

The COOP mode makes the game even more fun but again, becareful of some bugs there so best follow the updates from the dev, he tries his best to fix all and is sure on it as seen at his feedback reactions.

Serious to say, Pampas & Selene is for me a game wish which came true. A Multiplayer game with different characters which have to work together to get the story and game going forward. We seriously need more of those and i really hope we (might) need get more of those.

FULLY Recommended!
Đăng ngày 27 Tháng 05, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 28 Tháng 05, 2024.
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I seriously was nearly falling asleep wile "playing" this...
Oh boy, where should i begin...
I think i can surely say that Gatekeepers "tries" to follow the "survivor" trend like many other games while trying to copy basically the style of "Risk of Rain" wile, somewhere in the middle, fails in both of them.

Im not joking if my title there was literally a thing. I played this game and streamed it to a friend live while i played it for the first (and last...) time. I was about to fall asleep while doing so - this should say something.

Only "good" thing working here, are the controls...

Gatekeepers tries to be a survivor game like the already known Vampire survivors or other games Like 20 Minutes till dawn, DRG survivor or what ever games exist "by now" which is ridding this "survivor" trend tbh.

The problem with Gatekeepers is that it fails that. Enemies are kinda rare at first and later you just outrun them to easy. Its not like in ANY survivor GAME, youre outrunning a huge HORDE of enemies but more like a small angry mob - so yea, its not like any survivor game in that aspekt.

Than we have the music...
I mean it tries hard to sound cool but being honest, its all "hufta pufta" music and somewhat unfitting. Its not even like you feel in the rush or something but more like "oh no...there are enemies...play ANY GENETIC ACTION MUSIC which could fit..." and thats that. Im not nitpicking here but it feels like someone was picking some free internet music with the "action" tag on it, put it in and done. Sorry but yea.

Next up, grafiks...
Can i mention that every area is literally a bare playfield? I mean you saw already 2 Screenshots, here have another:
This is suppost to be a hell-ish landscape. SUPPOST to be. Look how baren it is - and its not like only this. look at the other screenshots i have shown already and you will quickly notice that every area is basically only a texture change.
Its not even like the areas are intresting or something, they all play pretty much the same and its mostly like run in a circle and fight some enemies.

Wile we are on it, can we talk about the "level" system? I know in such said "survivor" games, you should "earn" your levels, at least later...
But if you
1. need AGES to level up because of th LACK OF ENEMIES AND EXP, it makes no fun to do it anyway.
2. You dont really even NOTICE that you level up next to a prompt on the RIGHT SIDE of the screen which tells you you have 6 points to put into something (yes, i didnt notice it ones that i already leveld 6 times because there was nothing given that i DID indeed level up) than MAYBE how about a "LEVEL UP" notice over your character or something WOULD be helpful mayyyyybe?
3. That a simple level up isnt even "that big of a deal" and feels like not important - like You can shot/swing 6% faster your weapon... YOU fought (or tried to~) for like 3 mins to get a freaking level up ONLY to be 6% faster? 6% FASTER? ARE you freakin kidden me???
That and sure more bothers me.

Infact, the game overall feels somewhat "lazy" made:
- As i said already, the areas you roam around have no detail, feel lifeless and lazy made. You could basically be put on a white platform and it woundnt change a thing.
- Level ups feel not important nor impact full if such things need way to long and give only super small "boosts" like freaking 6% of faster firespeed, seriously.
- Monsters feel genetic and not really fresh, in some areas you can literally see something which looks like a cauldron with legs and horns. I think i made a screenshot for that one...
- Lack of animations. No im serious, Your character as sample has no reaction to damage, nor walks but "flies" (or hovers). The "range" class from the begining has no weapons but literally lifts up the hands and shoots from the H A N D S with nothing impactful meaning - srsly, if even your main character looks like that hes doing a regular monday chore than i duno what to say here.

You can maybe even guess now if i recommend it now or not..
Ok im serious and sure say it: i cant recommend it.
Gatekeeper feels like bordom. I know that "survivor" games should be easy to pick up n play and maybe hard to master but the marked it literally FLOOD with better alternatives like said DRG survivor or other similar ones but Gatekeeper is sure not one of them.

Lack of actual "game" would actually be fitting the most here because what ever you do here feels like it has neither impact of the gameplay nor does it feel like the game itself cares about it anyway. It literally misses effects of notification and something impactful to make you "feel" like youre playing a game there and not a literal walking -sorry, HOVERsimulator.
No flashy animation nor gameplay makes Gatekeeper look lazy made and somewhat of a "cashgrab" - Wile i sure know it does try for sure somewhat copy the style of Risk of Rain 2 somewhat (i mean come on, you can see the similarities...) but thats where that ends.

Though with all i counted up, i cant recommend it.
Its just way to barebones and boring - at least for me. I saw gameplays and played other survivor games which made at least fun and where i leveld up and "feel" i really leveld somewhat. Areas looked nice, different and not like a white big square.

Also a personal addition:
Im born in the late 80s, i grew up with great games on the SNES, PS1 and PS2. Maybe i have other, better standards in gameplay since i DID play great and good games you can still even pick up today and have a great time. I dont understand that this whole "survivor" thing went T H A T big only because Vampire Survivors grew that big. Its literally the laziest of gameplay you can create, just place a turret in the middle and let enemies run into it (talking about coregameplay). Srsly, If you can create a game, create something fun, something enjoyable. Not "Survivor-Clone #5469". I know, DEVS, you only wanna have a bite from the survivor-cake money as well but than try to create a own and better game, not by trying to ride the train with a lose-effort game.

NOT recommended - and refunded.
Đăng ngày 18 Tháng 05, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 18 Tháng 05, 2024.
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8.5 giờ được ghi nhận (8.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
They are back...

Kill it with fire 2 is a fun little single- and multiplayer game in which you search places and kill spiders. Lots of Spider. LOTS and LOTS of them. It gets also crazy sometimes with some mini side missions and the weapons you get over the time - which can be a pan, newspaper and similar smaller things up to other weapons like laser weapons, shotguns and flamethrowers~

Makes a lot fun with more people

I played the full game with a friend of mine in coop mode and that alone makes the game way more fun. Some missions are easier to do and you guys can share the fun with smashing the spiders together and doing epic things like playing spider golf or create tactics together to make things easier.

Still, Alone its still quite fun liek the first game in this series but you will quickly notice that the idea behind this sequal is to play it together in multiplayer OR PVP in Versus mode...or "hide and seek" mode fits maybe better.

And what do you do? Well basically the same as in the first game: Killing more spider with more crazy weapons which range from your normal clipboard to the pan, gun, flamethrower up to a rocketlauncher and more powerfull and weird weapons, i dont wanna spoiler TO much here but all i can say is that the most are sure fun to use.

E.A. State addition - A bit short right now
Right now Kill it with fire 2 is in E.A. State and you can still feel it. Compared to the first game, its right now a bit "short". i played it in coop together and we finished it 100% "possible" in around 8 hours and we took our time. So right now, if you rush it, i would say youre done with the game in maybe 3 hours and if you look "quick" for everything, maybe 7 hours.

Again its not a bad game but it has some "bugs" (heh~) in it:
- Sometimes it seems like the UI "bugs out" and you cant select all your weapons till you end the mission (seems like only the one who joins the host has this problem?)
- Sometimes if you collect ammo, not everyone gets some (so it seems)

Again, its right now the same price as the first game but lacks a bit of content - which is already stated will added so i say yes, its worth buying and for a good time over weekend for sure. Though, i really hope said bugs will be fixed soon and said content will also be added "soon-ish".

Do I recommend it still?

Kill it with fire 2 is a great sequal "so far" and I sure do recommend it even with said bugs in it and even in said E.A. state.

Still, i will try to overwork said review if the game is fully out in at least 1.0 and check the rest of the content as soon as it is online but as for right now, playing this game over the weekend alone is fun - with friend 100% way more fun so if you enjoyed the first game already, you cant go wrong with the sequal for sure.

Recommended. Its right now in E.A. state and has some bugs and lacks some end-content - which is already said will follow so still worth its price for a great weekend with buddies.
Đăng ngày 18 Tháng 04, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 19 Tháng 04, 2024.
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3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
3.3 giờ được ghi nhận (3.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
1983 is long ago...

Oh god. I remember as i played Montezumas Revenge back on my C64 when i was like 8 years old. I never got far and it was to hard for me as little-boy-me. It still is a hard game, trust me there, but it sure is easier if you understand how sometimes "less can be more" and in this case, Montezumas Revenge shows that perfectly.


THE "based" Metroidvania

For a lot people, there are different aspects what counts as metroidvania and what not. Some people would sure say that Montezuma might "counts" as such game but is very bare bones and "based" in that if you really think about a metroidvania-styled "game".

I would not really call said game here a Metroidvania tbh but i can understand if people do so, never the less, it is a hard game and very easy to pick up and play but hard to master-like games.

I mean your character can only move left and right, up n down and jump so whats not to understand...right?

First of all, youre very fragile. One hit and youre dead from anything - We are talking about an SUPER early 80s game infact and if its not the enemies which kill you, gravity will do the job or fire. I mean you can only fall down your own height or you will lose a life, fire burns you on contact and Lasers (or "chains" as they are called) basically turns you into ashes on slight touch.

Else what do you do in this game?
Well basically you run around Montezumas "palace" (or how ever you call it) from the very top to the bottom and try to get his riches. Thats all. Yea it is as basic as it sounds X3 The way down there is filled with snakes, spiders and skulls which sure wanna stop you to the way down next to the ever growing "darkness" for which you need a torch to see in because without torch, you literally see NOTHING anymore the further you go down and in the later levels, you basically have to know what and which room were is because the very last level HAS NO TORCH and is nearly impossible because of that - 80s game remember haha.

So dont get me wrong, the game is sure fun and has a bit of nostalgia for me and i sure enjoy playing it but im 100% sure it might not be everyones cup of tea - mostly the people which "Might" want more from a game.

Its still a great game after all!

After over 40 years, Montezumas Revenge is still a great game but sure a hard one. Simple to play, easy to understand but again, might be to based for a lot people nowdays. Im also glad that they added a "Retro" opinion to the game because, and i have to be honest here, the "modern" version looks like a bad early flash game. It kinda lost the "flair" of the old classic game somewhat. I mean you saw some screenshots, now look at how the modern one looks here:

Im srsly no fan of it, it looks a bit off. I know they sure tried their best but it feels...weird and off. So the Retro style it is for me.

Do i recommend it?

So just alone because of the nostalgia factor, it is a sure recommendation worth from me.
Yes, it lacks grafic of course and looks like an atari game, duh, but the fun factor of how simple the game "is" is just great. It doesnt "need" to have 100+ abilities, 8 different buttons to use and what the hell you have to collect to get forward - just get some keys and open doors, thats it.

Its still a hard game, as i said we are talking about early 80s hard video game so some people might will not enjoy it.

Still, for "old farts" like me which grew up with it in the late 90s and remembers it from the golden days, i can recommend it without a doubt.
Đăng ngày 9 Tháng 04, 2024. Sửa lần cuối vào 9 Tháng 04, 2024.
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6 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
107.5 giờ được ghi nhận
The "other" Monster Hunter game

Monster hunter Rise (MHR in short) is so far the latest installment of the MH-Series. It gets rid of a lot "side" things you had like in MHW and focuses more on the combat-side of the series. Sadly though what a lot people dont see is, that its basically ALL what they left in this MH-game. Is it bad though? Well, we will see in this review...

Welcome to "RISE"!

FIrst of all, people WILL quickly notice the different "style" if they saw or came from MHW. For ones does MHR not only look a bit "different" but also a bit weaker in some corners. Its important to keep in mind that Rise was made with the Nintendo Switch in mind, one reason why MHW DOES look better for sure but that doesnt change how the gameplay of RISE is tbh - Even if its actually noticable sometimes...

Said that, MHR makes everything a bit smaller but also easier on the shoulders as for some and gets rid of some stuff which DO can get tedious in MHW or other MH-games.

As i said, the main focus of MHR is its fight and yes, it comes with things like new attacks for each weapon and even switchable combos. Also new are the wirebugs which can be used as mobility tool AND for combat.

MHW had the craw which was also handy but i have to say that the wirebugs in MHR are a bit better - they run on a cooldown though and it feels like when ever you really DO need them "right now", they are always on cooldown.

But what else did they do?

Wile they DID add things for MHs combat, Rise has its fair share of downsides which i have to count up though:

As for one, Rise did get rid of a lot said stuff which can get tedious at times - but because of that, it feels less like youre really "hunting" a monster but more like youre "searching" it just to smash your weapon into it.
Next to this, this makes MHRs hunting grounds feel a bit "lifeless" and "lack-luster". It gives wildlife still, but only the bare minimum because now you can capture it and use it in a fight - but again, its not like in MHW where you can capture them for studdies or your own room decorations - WHICH in Rise is also missing and just barebones.
Sadly the fact that there is basically no real story (untill you buy the DLC) adds to how lifeless MHR feels...

Infact, MHRs Hub city..or village in that case, makes everything sure compact and easier and faster if you just wanna get quickly ready for a hunt but it feels not really like a village youre in but more exploring just ONE of its crossroads.

Even the multiplayer ROOM feels like a joke, being that honest and here i have to say it but MHRs multiplayer code is a mess of spaghetti - just ONE hicup from one of the players side and s/he looses connection (yes, its really that bad). So if you dont have a 100% ALWAYS steddy G O O D connection, you WILL end up with problems.

But it cant be that bad, right?

Im honest here, wile i DO love MH WORLD more for what it is, MH RISE is not a bad game if it even focuses more on the fights with monsters itself than the stuff which is around it. It just "feels" more like a waterd-down version of what it "could" have been. Still, if you "just" wanna simply smashn kill monsters, Rise is for you. It is indeed easier on the shoulders because it keeps things simple. Its more from the arcade-ish side and keeps things around the core gameplay low. Sure it does miss a good story and sometiems even reasons why you hunt but it also gives you a Doggo friend, new weapon combos and more for it on your side.

Personal opinion though, World is a tiny bit better if you keep that in mind. Rise is still not a bad game and i DO recommend it.

Said here, if you really wanna experience MHR OR MHW, TRY NOT to use the "defender" armor/weapons ones. It ruins somewhat of the core and vanilla gameplay since they are way to overpowerd - even more so in MHW. Trust me if i tell you, you will enjoy MHR/MHW more if you ignore said stuff exists BUT if you really really do need a little help, better ask around first. Trust me there.
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 10, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 14 Tháng 11, 2023.
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834.8 giờ được ghi nhận (404.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
..I felt like im home again...

Monster Hunter World (MHW in short) is a great monster hunter game with a good enjoyable story, good and balanced gameplay. It can be grindy from time to time and maybe very difficult but than, it really "feels" like youre HUNTING monsters in this game...

Welcome to "WORLD"!

A word before i go TO deep into this review, it is actually my very F I R S T Monster Hunter game i every "really" played because noone ever really explained be what the series really "is" about exept the stupid saying of "youre hunting monsters, duh", which is basically saying "The Lord of the Rings is about a Lord and his Rings", if you got this.

Back to the review, MHW world is a really good game and offers a lot. You begin as "new hunter" in the new world, exploring it gettin ready for the first hunts. Here already said, this game looks great even nowadays and it looks even better if you remind yourself and download the FREE HD texture pack here:
This makes the game look even BETTER overall (fair warning, it needs also about 40 GB more space!)

But...what more does MHW offer?
FIrst of all, you really feel like youre in a place, a new world if you wanna say. The main City HUB is big and looks stunning. Everywhere are small details and things you can find and see.

And the "hunting grounds"? This is another story. Some can be somewhat weird but none of them feel actually "unnatural" or something, good sample is the very first one which feels like an actual jungle where you go up trees and like to reach the top. Every area also has smaller hidden areas if you look really good around which let you farm more rare stuff which you collect all the time on your hunts.

Said hunts let you also track down the monster by taking leftovers from said monster, learning things like weakpoints or similar wile you do hunt it. It might be somewhat tedious at first but if you think about it youre HUNTING a MONSTER. You try to learn how it acts, it works, its attacks, weakpoints and weaknesses overall. Also you get basically "free money" wile you do it anyway.

But is really all so good in MHW?

Of course, every good thing comes with a downside and MHW sure has some as well. First of all, unlike Monster Hunter RISE (The next game in the series). MHWs fight can feel sometimes a bit sluggish, though if a combo of a weapon hits, it really feels great and impactful.
Sadly, but i think thats in other MH games a bummer as well is the fact that it gives basically no real "good" ingame tutorials about the weapons so yea, if you wanna really "learn how to use/play XY weapon", you HAVE to look up guides in the internet (but again, thats also in RISE the case)

Fidelity and Memorable characters is also something world has - mostly Memorable characters because the handler alone is Memorable and sure a meme by now. Animations are also really really cute and great, you can feel how much love they put into those.

Even Multiplayer is here fun since you can open a own server ("game") with up to 16 people - though, a group for a hunt is of course limited to 4 (but thats normal). Though, MHWs multiplayer is at least playable wile Rises multiplayer has a lot hicups, sadly.

So do you overall recommend it?

Gorgeous landscapes, hunts which really FEEL like a hunt, great (and working) Multiplayer, impactful combat with overall great grafics and overall challanging difficulty makes MHW a "must play" if you enjoy the MH series already for sure and i bet vets will enjoy it as well, if they dont do it already. As for newcommers it can be difficult at times for sure but as soon as you made your first hunts and learn different weapons you will see how much fan it can actually be.

MHW mixes all the things in a good pack. I fully recommend to buy it.
Its fun solo and even more with some friends - even if you just help some random dudes out, it makes a lot of fun just to run around and slap some monsters or hunt for loot.
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 10, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 14 Tháng 11, 2023.
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62.2 giờ được ghi nhận (54.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
...I srsly think Remnant 1 was better...

Remnant 2...oh boi, where should i begin...
I mean, i like a good lootershooter. I already liked Remnant 1. It was great to blast some enemies their head off and go for secrets and stuff...
Remnant 2 in the other hand...

Somewhat lack-luster...

I dont exactly know "why" but it feels like Remnant 2 feels more like a downgrate to its original game, Remnant from the ashes. Not only that but it limits itself H A R D and basically every kind of "uniqueness" is compliedly thrown out of the window which the original game had. To count up some, lets go with a small list:

- Armor is basically now plain boring armor. They have no "armor set bonuses" anymore, making basically a lot sets redundent to use if you wanna go with a "special kind" of heavy, medium or light build. In remnant 1, different armors had also different set bonuses and it was unique to wear them for a special kind of way you wanna play. Now, finding new armor is basically only for "style points".

- They tried to fix the fact that basically, in remnant 1, the classes were not really "unique" because if youre lucky, you can be basically "every class" just hours into the game later. Though, what they did is basically limited old mods everyone could use and turned them into "classes" like if you wanna have a heal-circle, you H A V E to play the doctor class and nothing else. It feels somewhat weird and i wouldnt say "better" because it feels more like an actual limitation than an improvment if you think about that you could do and "be" literally ANYTHING at the end of remnant 1...

- Some weapons feel just weird to use and some weapons, if you get them, feel outright to low in level to outright DO use them...

- The traits in this game feel really like a bad joke and i really mean it. Leveling one up feels like no huge change and even fully leveled, the change is barely noticable - but the worst is that they limited the points to (right now as i wrote the review) 65. I know as a fact it was normally 60 but they added 5 more. 65 points is nothing, for real. The traits are already barely noticable and some are literally crap that some should be outright forgotten. 3% lifesteal, as one sample, sounds maybe good on paper but in a game where enemies will take your health down in seconds and the fact that you H A V E to spend 10 of the already limited 65 points makes it feel more like a joke. Said that, a lot traits need an actual rebalancing. 3% lifesteal for 10 whole levels will not do it - and thats just one sample of many...

- Loot feels rare, "money" feels also rare. On your first run, it feels like youre "barely" able to get money anyway since you will pick up a lot new stuff. on later runs, you might get more money since you will get extra cash for "doubles".

There is more but those are just some parts which feel "weird" compared to Remnant 1 tbh...

Feels like im playing Lord of the rings here...
And im serious here. Wile in Remnant 1, you were happy if you found new stuff, got a new weapon or a new set of armor - Remnant 2?
Rings. Lots and L O T S of rings...and no, im not joking...

Im serious, Theyre areas in the game where you can find like 2-3+ rings (nearly at ones) - and its not that the game has other stuff you could get

Srs to say, where Remnant 1 was like "you had a tuff fight, here, have a new weapon for that!", Remnant 2 is like "Do you like Sonic? HAVE SOME ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ RINGS!!!"

The randomness is back - the double edged sword as well...

This is something i already named in my Remnant 1 review and say it here again. It sure is a double edged sword. It might be good, keeping players playing the game longer but if even the story mode is random rolled, it feels a bit weird - and not even that but also your begining LEVEL is rolled at random - which also means all the time, the levels and so the enemies doesnt feel like they get really...well, "stronger" because of that. I mean it could be that you begin in the "old city" world or the "jungle" world first - and so do the enemies feel not really stronger - different yes but not really stronger.

So in Remnant 2 and because of that in mind, it feels even more like this sword has a big one-sided "double edge": For one, it is nice that every role is somewhat random but if literally not even the power or strengh of enemies feel different from world to world than something feels...off.

But...do you really not recommend it than?

Its again something where i say, already TO often, steam give me a "middle review" thing because i dont think Remnant 2 as "G A M E" is bad but it feels somewhat lack-luster compared to its first game, Remnant 1, which feels way more "unique" and overall just makes...well way more fun. You feel like youre really "hunting" for stuff, the story feels more..."ingaging" and "nice" tbh. When ever you DO find loot it F E E L S good and its not like "meh, just another ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ring of XZY many". Seriously.

And even some boss fights were more...well, "fun".

I think Remnant 2, as game itself, is not that bad but as sequal, it feels somewhat worse than the first game if im honest. I played the first game a lot with my friends and had a lot fun playing it on different difficulties. Remnant 2 in the other hand, i feel like i might do another, one harder run and than im done with it. Its not that this is bad but if you think about how much "uniqueness" they took literally away from the first game, it feels way to "stereotyp-ish" for that it is. "Just another 3rd person shooter with some hard elements and nothing else." as a friend of mine said already.

Srs to say, if you wanna play it, go for it but i might would wait if its a bit off, maybe than its more..."worth".

I will keep playing my now harder run since i wanna unlock some stuff and help my friends but i duno if Remnant 2 will keep me playing itself longer than the first Remnant - which i still feel like was 2 numbers better, at least.

Not "fully" recommended. Its an "ok" game for what it is - as SEQUAL though, its a different number and disappoints in some corners...

Link to my Remnant 1 Review: https://ad.gamersky.info/@steamcommunity.com/id/watheanum/recommended/617290/
Đăng ngày 20 Tháng 08, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 21 Tháng 08, 2023.
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25.6 giờ được ghi nhận (15.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
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Town of Salem "we give a crap to fix our own misstakes so we make a sequel"- 2

Town of Salem 2, TOS2 in short, is "basically" the sequel to TOS1 and the other spin-off noone talks about anymore. TOS2 is not really a "bad" game but, as of right now, you can feel its in E.A. State...but not only that...

This feels more like a "Deluxe" version than a "sequel"...

Making "good" sequels to games with a structure like boardgames is hard - VERY hard. And this is shown in games like Uno, Monopoly and similar games people play even up to this day. Srsly to say, and ask, Did you ever saw a "Monopoly 2"* or something? Of course not because why should you "change" something if it already works well, right?

To stay with the sample of Monopoly which came out around the 1930s and basically never really changed next to some "siderules" or, of course, virsual updates and presentations. I mean you can even play nowadays a Monopoly game for sure which is from the 80s or the 2000s and in its core they are both the same with maybe some additional rules you "could" add and as i said virsual changes.

*Im not talking about a grafical overhaul PC version or something...
And this is exactly how TOS2 "Feels" like...

TOS2 doesnt "feel" like a sequel but more like an Update the ORIGINAL TOS1 should have gotten long ago. Yes, it looks virsual better but again, nothing really "changed" in its core. In fact, It feels like they literally tried to "fix" with TOS2 what they messed up in TOS1 with the COVEN DLC release: The balance between the roles.

As one sample, in the original classic TOS1, the Mafia was ok but against the newer coven roles to weak. So insteed of patching the old TOS1 game, they just gave the game a virsual overhaul and called it TOS2.

AKA: they literally released something which COULD have been an update as NEW GAME...

It srsly feels like it because insteed of "fixing problems", they just got rid of the old roles insteed.

Medium? Gone - which means being dead in a game very early on is even less useful OR fun. "yay"... (srsly though, if youre dead and dont have maybe one of the 2 active "dead" roles, you can just sit there for a long time doing literally nothing. this was already a problem in TOS1/TIS and really R E A L L Y needs a change because youre forced to sit there, DOING NOTHING, to get your "reward" after the round is over which, again, can be very long or short just saying...)
Doctor? Got replaced.
Escord? Got also just replaced.
Guardian Angel? Gone.
Mafia roles? COMPLIEDLY Gone.

So yes, insteed of fixing things in TOS1, they could update it and do things better, they just released TOS2 which srsly feels not really like a sequel but a "deluxe" edition.

Next to this, TOS1 was back in the day free so it was understandable to have microtransactions in it but TOS2, you have to pay a price for to play it and still have to buy things ingame you already HAD in the other games from the same devs (i come back to this) which were either free in the other games or you owned them already as said things like character models or similar.

But...why do you not recommend it?

As i said, right now it feels more like an update than a "new game". Think about that: Take TOS1, give it a new paint and get rid of every role which was either somewhat broken or to weak...
and than call it "sequel".

And than there are other things right now which feel somewhat wrong...
Did i mention that one said "spin-off" game noone talks about it anymore, "Traitors in Salem"~?
As a small hint and before i go forward, i want you guys to look it up again so you might see if i say "Used assets".

As for a fact i "do" know that TOS2 was longer in "progression" than said "TIS" (Traitors in Salem) but the fact that you HAVE to buy things you had already for free in TIS feels a bit like a ripoff - even more if you think about that they basically GAVE UP on "TIS" (up to this day, they didnt mention what will happen to it...) and this TOS2 really feels more like something which C O U L D have been a bigger AND NEEDED update to TOS1.

So do i recommend it though?
I really dont know. I srsly dont.
I dont think TOS2 is a bad game but as someone who DID play TOS1 AND TIS, it feels just wrong. It feels like i bought the same game twice wile one feels like and looks like an old flash game, left unbalanced and the other, "newer" game feels like that said other, older game and how it "should" have been.

As i said, and i say it again, it feels more like something which could have been a big virtual update and role overhaul to the original game than an actual "sequel". If they would have called it "TOS Deluxe" or similar, i wouldnt even really complain but the fact that this IS suppost to be a sequel, it feels wrong to call it that.

If you like social deception games in the vains of the "old style", i think you can go for it. As for someone who playd the other, older games, maybe you should think about to buy it but than, im not the one to judge.

For me, i do enjoy it somewhat so far but wish they wouldnt have made a full new game for that. It feels somewhat off.
Đăng ngày 28 Tháng 05, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 30 Tháng 05, 2023.
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0.5 giờ được ghi nhận
Wow...this is just...bad...

Ok, for people which doesnt know, "the great gian(n)a sisters" were born back in the day as clone from the Super Mario Bros back in the 1980s on the C64. They were really good back than and even had a new version on the Nintendo DS which was also great - to easy but still an ok platformer for the time.

This version is based on said DS version which also came out on phones but...yeaaaaaa...this is bad...really really bad...

A very bad port of an good game

What i dont understand is why they used the phone version and ported it over to PC. Its really ugly and overall looks more like an actual flash game from the early 2000s.
The Pixel style from the DS version was actually really great to look at and if you look at trailers o gameplay videos from it, you can see the differ...
As sample:

But is it really that bad?

Its not that this version "is" bad but it "feels" bad. As i said, you pay a "good" price for it, for a game which feels and looks like is made as flash game. The look and style looks so bad, textures are actually glitching or twitching (like the dots from the map screen or the normal bricks), Giana looks really REALLY ugly and over all, it feels wrong to play this version.

It is still the DS game "somewhat" but tbh i refunded it because it just doesnt click with me...

So do you recommend it?

If this would be a 1:1 port from the DS version, i would have said yes but they didnt even fix bugs the DS version had but added more so it feels. Shooting enemies with the fireball doesnt give any points and in this version, said Fireballs just explode mid-air out of nowhere for no reason, limiting their use as well...

So over all, No, i sadly cant recomment this version.
As i said, it feels like an early flash game, lookes like one and has soem old known bugs from other versions and new ones, glitchy textures and the overall "vibe" from this version is just...bad.

So if you have yourself a DS, you should better try getting the DS version, else avoid this version for sure. Its somewhat sad to see a childhood game from me ended up like...well, that...

Not recommended and refunded
Đăng ngày 17 Tháng 04, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 18 Tháng 04, 2023.
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