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I would recommend this game if we rewound time, it's an absolute joke now. This game was in a much better state when each class was relatively strong, as of right now the developers can't seem to figure out any sort of balance and instead just pump power into what I assume to be their favorite classes to play.

Why are we adding more characters when we fail to balance the clear issues with others? Is it just because the people that play those classes don't stop crying when a change is made?

Barbarian is over-tuned into oblivion.

Fighter is a one size fits all class yet basically has no weaknesses.

Warlock is too strong at the moment.

Rogue has one play-style that you're forced into that everyone complains about because the devs can't figure out they need to rework the class to allow alternative play styles.

Wizard was gimped so hard compared to the older releases of the game and is practically useless against half the classes in the game at the moment.

Ranger is a weaker and less flexible fighter.

PDR has always been an issue they can't seem to comprehend or properly fix,

Yet the devs make the most illogical and least thought through changes time and time again, like buffing the classes that the community complains about being strong even more, and just keeping their mouth shut about the classes that need to be worked on. One half of the community is a massive part of the problem, if a single change gets made to a class played by them, they kick and scream until it gets reverted and at this point I feel a large part of the lack of significant balance changes is in part to the fear of dealing with the horrible skilless boosted players lashing out at them for it as per usual.

We've removed the storm ring entirely for a while, then added some stupid poison mechanic with no circle after the feedback from the lack of one. Which in turn has made it to where pvp is less common unless you go to like 2-3 points on each map, the game is absolute garbage in high roller and so much worse than it used to be in the squire lobbies, it's a constant gear check or fights that teams just straight up run away from. That's the furthest thing from fun imaginable, I know there's a part of the community that prefers killing A.I. and sorry but that's just not interesting to me and I'm sure a lot of people agree.

This game isn't supposed to be Tarkov and even the devs have stated that, so why are we turning the base mechanics that drew people to buy the game pre-steam release into Tarkov-like raid timers that aren't forcing pvp. It's causing the game to be either find loot, hide and leave, or look for players to fight, find maybe a team or two, which rarely even winds up being a fun fight due to the terrible balancing.

Sure they're adding an Arena, and hopefully that shows the already glaringly obvious balance issues in even more light since they're so ignorant to them or just scared to make the fixes they need to, and it'll add a mix of pvp that most of us want back into the game. But it's nowhere near the same as a few months to a year ago when the game was actually fun and incentivized fighting and giving you the adrenaline of not wanting to lose some BIS item, or the relative fairness of being weak yet out-skilling someone and taking theirs.

There are obviously gonna be defenders of each class in this games current state, which does absolutely nothing but delay the changes that absolutely need to be made. People that are going to defend the fact that we add things before fixing massive core issues with the gameplay loop. People that are going to say that I'm just bad at the game or that I'm just a sweat. All I really want is for the devs to wake up so the gem this game can be and was closer to in the pre-steam release doesn't get graveyarded like it seems they're trying to do. The player count dropped substantially, they've shut off cross account features but it's ok they're play-testing a sorcerer and buffing the already busted classes.

Please fix your game and actually speak with the people who play it consistently to find out what really needs to be fixed instead of the crying players in the Discord that just pop a complaint in when they die to whatever class.
投稿日 2月8日.
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総プレイ時間:33.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.6時間)
Tried to get my teammates flashlights, big dogs were attacking the flashlight ice cream truck, I snuck past them and grabbed one flashlight then died to a giant worm. Truly humbling experience
投稿日 2023年11月22日.
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総プレイ時間:34.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:32.5時間)
Rock and Stone
投稿日 2022年11月22日.
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総プレイ時間:90.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:31.6時間)
From someone who loved Sekiro, didn't play Bloodborne, and didn't get grasped by Dark Souls (good games though), this game is one of the best open world games ever made, one of the best games in general for that matter.

I'm not the kind of person who enjoys learning all about a games world from reading lore, nor do I normally search the corners of games hitting every wall looking for special areas or items but this game changed that for me. Every corner you turn in this game leads to excitement and hundreds of "wow that looks incredible I can't believe this is a optional area" moments that make you want to find more. Other games, at least for me personally, could have a cool area or a secret boss/weapon hidden somewhere that I never care to look for because often times the exploration is grueling and I just can't be bothered to hop on those games for something that's usually small, but not here, this game takes the excitement that you had as a kid finding your first secret in a video game and shoves it down your throat time and time again and it doesn't stop blowing your mind.

The art team behind this game is borderline unparalleled. The bosses in this game are almost all stunning, and I'm pretty sure from what I've read online there's over 80, it's actually insane the amount of creativity I've seen in this game. Not only did they make all the bosses and enemies look incredible, but none of them feel cheap, or like something that's manufactured difficulty (hard for the sake of it with mechanics that are cheap) and after you say "they can't top this boss" they top it time and time again.

Is it buggy? So far I've experienced a single bug two times and it involves getting on your mount while taking damage and you get stuck but it's very rare and has only happened to me in one fight.
Is the game unoptimized? For keyboard and mouse, probably, I haven't tried it, but if their track record with previous games is anything to go by then yeah I assume the controls on kbm suck. As far as the fps complaints go, I know about 10 people that I actively play in a discord with who got this game day one, varying PCs and we all pretty much agree that in our cases the stuttering isn't really bad and mostly happens when we enter a new open world area, it's nowhere near unplayable and feels fine. Does that justify the issue, no, but there are many other games that are released on steam that have no care put into how well they work on PC and have significantally worse problems that are sitting at or above 85% recommended. For a game of this scale, only having a small amount of issues at launch is incredible with the current state of game devs, it's extremely refined and I'm truly surprised something this massive isn't buggier.

Overall, this game is amazing and feels fun to play even while you're being taught your least favorite subject by each enemy/boss and getting your ass handed to you.

Graphically stunning.
Exploration is stunning.
World design is stunning.
Lore is stunning.
Music is stunning.
Combat and freedom with builds is also stunning.

FromSoft you exceeded every expectation I had for this game by miles and are teaching lessons to hundreds of other gaming companies on how to put something together with love, buckets of creativity and talent, I genuinely think this is one of the best games ever made.

Buy this game because it is BREATHTAKING.
投稿日 2022年3月3日.
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総プレイ時間:12.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.3時間)
speedy shoot
投稿日 2020年11月25日.
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総プレイ時間:17.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.2時間)
Let me preface this review by saying I played through this game within 3 days of launch on PS4.

Death Stranding got a lot of hate when it released, some reasonable, some unreasonable but moreso the latter. People gathered the general opinion that a lot of critics had, saying that the game was terribly made, un-fun and a walking simulator, but all of that is wrong, and I'll get into that.

Story - When you think Kojima you think wild stories with wacky humor and insane twists, and this game is him turned up to 1000. This game was designed to connect people and the story itself does a fantastic job conveying that as well. You spend a lot of time traveling from place to place delivering things to people in need to form KNOTS, those KNOTS connect you from city to city across this games version of a post-apocolyptic America, a wasteland housing BT's (otherwordly creatures trying to kill you or anyone they come across), psychodic package snatchers, as well as terrorists trying to harness the power of BT's for their own gain. Your main purpose of connecting these cities while dealing with all those foes is to rebuild America (along with other things that are addressed later in the game), sounds kind of cheesy but the story absolutely nails it and then some.
I'm a big boy, I don't cry at many games I swear it, but man, there were points in this story that made me cry, and not in the sense of "oh hey lets build up a character that people like and then kill them randomly and destroy someones emotions" like a lot of games. None of that exists here, it's the story behind some of the characters that genuinely gets to you, like MAMA's character development, anyone that has played this game will tell you MAMA's background was so sad and insanely well written. If you want a story that keeps you entertained, makes you sad when it tries to be sad, makes you laugh when it tries to be funny, and actually destroys your mind when it wants to, this is the game for that, and I love it. Also, this game is long and well worth it's pricetag in cutscenes alone.

Graphics - Hooooly, this game is gorgeous and on PC it shines no matter if you're at default or max, but don't expect options up the ass like in most PC games, although the options that matter are here, and DLSS absolutely shines in this game. I can't think of a game that does a wasteland so well that it's lively, if that makes sense. You could be walking or driving a vehicle and just stop moving with your jaw dropped at some of the views in this game, or you could be walking through an overgrown open field and feel genuinely at peace (until you get clapped by giant whale BT anyways). This game is beautiful and words can't give it enough credit, it runs like a dream as well.

Gameplay - Here we get to the meat of the complaints, the walking. Honestly if you play your cards right there isn't too much of it, aside from a few mandatory areas and the first few hours of this game. You obtain a bike within the first 3 hours of this game and it changes it completely. You gain the ability to choose whether you want to walk, ride a bike, or drive this games equivalent to an SUV, it makes the traveling a breeze and much faster. I feel like most reviewers didn't even make it a quarter way through the game because they almost never reference the fact that bikes and SUV's are almost always available to you to make this game less walking intensive, along with any player made structures that appear in your world that assist in your travels, or you could assist other players with placement of ladders, ropes and other items of your own. There's a lot of combat in this game as well but not in the general sense, a lot of it is avoidable, like with BT's, you can sneak by them, or if you're a madman you can let them succ you and fight their dad, both are fun and intense and it's done really well. When it comes to the walking itself, it's honestly not bad, and I'm the type of person that can't walk more than 10 feet outside my home without having a mental breakdown wondering where my mouse went and why it's not in my hands. It has it's own uniqueness and fun factor to it, and it can make you tilted when you trip on a ditch causing all your packages to fall down a mountain, so it'll give you a good laugh too, after you get over it that is. All in all you get a bike and if you're as versed in getting up mountains as I am with my horse in Skyrim you don't need to worry too much about walking.

Music - My god, this game absolutely caresses your ears at all times with its beautiful soundtrack, it's so fitting that it seems like the composer and all the groups who made the music for this game were all conjoined twins with Kojima at one point. You could be driving your bike and a song comes on that just makes the entire trip so much more beautiful and enjoyable, or you could genuinely be happy just listening to the soundtrack of this game on YouTube and that says a lot. PS. for some reason a fair bit of the music from this game isn't on the Official soundtrack, like Ludens from Bring me the Horizon, a song from CHVRCHES, and the other groups, I'm assuming it has to do with legal publishing reasons? Not sure, but either way the main soundtrack to this game slaps harder than my dad when I forgot to mow the lawn when I was 14.

Characters - Here's where the game absolutely crushes anything else without even trying. The actors/actresses performances in this game blow you away, Mads Mikkelsen especially, my god any part of the story with him in it were crazy good. Every character in this game is amplified by their Actor in such a way that it just sucks you in and makes you attached to them, no matter how much you love or hate them, you can't say they weren't incredibly voiced. I genuinely believe this game had better acting than most movies that the Oscars have nominated in recent years thanks to the talented actors that probably took up more money in hiring than I'll make in a decade. Best performances in this game compared to any other game I've ever played and it adds so much to the emotions you feel and how involved you get with it.

All in all, I love this game and it was very misrepresented by media outlets that couldn't make it past the first 3 hours where the game picks up speed (and gives you a bike). This game lets you see cooperation and change in a way that can genuinely alter your way of thinking of one another and the things we can do if we work together along with how important that in itself is. If you're like me and don't know if you'd like it due to the fact you heard bad things, play mainly shooters or other genres, I suggest you give it a chance, I did and it's one of, if not my favorite game.

This is my first genuine review so sorry if I didn't make solid points but I did my best, any feedback you have leave a comment and I'll answer any questions about this game I can or correct my review if I made something too confusing. I hope the review helps some people to enjoy this game as much as I did.
投稿日 2020年7月15日. 最終更新日 2020年7月15日
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総プレイ時間:23.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:23.0時間)
投稿日 2019年6月30日.
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総プレイ時間:44.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:40.8時間)
You get a bit more than you get with the base game of Skyrim, who wouldn't recommend it?
投稿日 2016年11月23日.
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総プレイ時間:3.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.3時間)
The scariest part of this game is that the zombies clip through walls and kill you.
投稿日 2015年10月29日.
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