Hey, welcome to my Profile!
About me

I'm currently student in Brussels ( Industrial Engineer (IT))
I'm a native French speaker and I learned English and Dutch at school.
Do not hesitate to tell me if I make some mistakes, I prefer learning rather than still being an idiot :)

About my coding experience

I have been scripting Garry's Mod for a little over 1 year now; doing a variety of random things depending on people's will.
It all started editing some DarkRP functions, Workshop addons to learn and to help people out.

About my skills

- In GLua
- Scripts debugging and issue fixing
- Scripts editing / customizing
- Scripts optimization ( hooks, networking,...)
- Little scripts creation ( entities, tools, weps, loggers, etc)
- Basic UI skills ( HUD, scoreboards, menus )
- Advanced scripts creation ( admin mods, nextBots,... )*
*These are on going personal projects

- Other
- Maths oriented programs in Python
- Learning Assembly (8086), UML, Java and PHP at school
- Basic knowledge on Photoshop

About ScriptFodder jobs

My goal when doing jobs is to help the job creator learning.
So I'll try explain step-by-step, walking the client through the code. I prefer not to spoof-feed and why not initiate the client to Lua scripting.

About my scripts

I uploaded my first script recently : APG - Anti Prop Griefing Solution
Be sure to check it out ! ;)

Thank you for viewing my profile and feel free to add me if you have any question.
While (true) do end;
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Multiple VAC bans on record | Info
Multiple game bans on record | Info
2057 day(s) since last ban
Blakerts 29 Mar, 2020 @ 5:26am 
Hello, i see you and good job.
Aimatt 23 Nov, 2019 @ 12:31am 
You can help me? I have the problem in is that when I try to download Propp and after enter in him the I pass through...
Anya~ 7 Jan, 2018 @ 1:13am 
Are you still alive? Been trying to contact you for ages... Making big updates/fixes for APG but I just need you to help test. :(
cock & balls inspector 2 Oct, 2017 @ 11:48am 
You know me. Can I add you for some personals reasons?
Hucci 7 Aug, 2017 @ 2:39am 
Adding you for a job proposition
Luke TeK 22 Jul, 2017 @ 6:50am 
I am helping an owner of a Garry's Mod server and they have a problem with you APG script. when they spawn cars through car dealers it ghosts them and even whitelisting the car it still ghosts the car. This is a problem as cars can go into bases without fading any doors.