8 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 92.0 hrs on record (31.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Nov, 2014 @ 1:19pm
Updated: 7 Nov, 2014 @ 1:21pm

I see a lot of negative reviews for this game and I really don't agree with them. This is a solid game with a very distinct art style. It looks really good and yet very simple, which is not a bad thing. The game is very easy to learn and is quite deep in it's ship customization and you will spend many hours designing and perfecting your ship designs. There is nothing more satisfying than having your custom badass capitalship send out a swarm of your custom fighters and totaly anhialate an enemy fleet.

Compared to a lot of other 4X games, Stardrive does not have as big of a techtree, there is still plenty of things to research but compared to games like Endless Space it's far from enough. One thing I really miss is more ways to improve your planets and concidering all the buildingspace you have left, there is room for a lot more.

- Short learning curve
- Deep shipdesign
- Real-time gameplay
- Addicting

- Not enough to research
- Ground battles
- Game crash after a few hours of play
- Save files are way to big
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Fizban1978 10 Jun, 2020 @ 12:11pm 
Have you tried the Blackbox mod?
I am one of the Blackbox developers and we took it upon ourselves to make the game better. We are working on this for free, as a hobby and because we think the game concept was really good, but the code quality was lacking.
Blackbox mod is actually direct code changes to the game (yes, we have been working on the code with permission from the dev for several years by now).
We fixed a lot of bugs/crashes and added many new features to the game.
you can check https://stardrive-blackbox.fandom.com/wiki/Stardrive_-_Blackbox_Wiki
Maybe you'll find Stardrive with Blackbox (and the Combined Arms content mod, which I also helped develop) a more pleasing game to play.
Explorminate video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqYa6gOiD-g&feature=youtu.be
Note that the game is not complete yet, we have many plans and ideas for it and we are still active.
our Discord Link - https://discord.gg/NvxfTD