Karyawan Valve tidak pernah meminta informasi pribadi ataupun informasi akunmu melalui Steam atau melalui cara apa pun. Kamu dapat mengabaikan siapa pun yang mengeklaim telah salah melaporkanmu - akunmu tidak akan terblokir. Jika kamu membutuhkan bantuan untuk akun Steam-mu, silakan ke https://ad.gamersky.info/@help.steampowered.com/.
Brian Jacobson [VALVE]
Brian Jacobson   Seattle, Washington, United States
This is Brian Jacobson from Valve. There have been reports of scammers trying to impersonate me on Discord. It's not me, and no one from Valve will ever contact you over Discord; and I will never contact you personally ever over any service. We don't have any ability to take down scammer Discord accounts; please report any such scammers to Discord.
