gg cRaCk
Brian "cRaCk" Davis   United States
CALopen cz season 3 5-4 (bz)
CALopen cz season 4 5-3 (bz)
CALopen cz season 5 8-2 ( bz) (second round playoffs moved up to main)
CALmain cz season 6 6-8 (bz)
Cal-open cs s19 5-3 (bz)
Cal-open cs s20 7-3 (bz) (playoffs round 2)(calgayed not moved up do to ffw in round 2)
Cal-open cs s21 2-2 (inactive)
Cal-main cz s7 5-7 (inactive pretty much)
Cal-main cz s8 4-8 (inactive pretty much)
CGS Pro-Am season 1 mLan (memphis lan)-Hoping to win.
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