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189.8 hrs on record (34.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The devs have been adding new content any my original review of "not enough content" is now moot.

The new content is amazing. Not fully on par with the original in terms of complexity, danger, and gore, but it's a work in progress and the progress is CLEARLY in that direction.

100% would recommend.

Still wish there was more blood all over the place ahah.

==Old Review==

Despite the much larger map, there are far fewer caves than the original. Caves were the "story" of the original and hopefully some of the small dead-end caves are set to be expanded. Exploring caves in the original, vast and treacherous mazes with multiple entrances and exits, all in service of acquiring tools to get down into the massive sinkhole really gave the original a unique feel. This game has a lot of the overworld mechanics of the forest, but it really truly lacks anything remotely as fun as the caves from the original. Literally like 3 of the caves are a single room with no enemies or story items.

If you like base building and headshotting mutants with stone arrows, this game rules. If you want to relive the horrific bloodslicked corridors of the original, with fetid rotten flesh dangling from jagged rocks, forget it.

The caves are entirely free of gore and horror. For some reason the devs have kept the game horror without the more gruesome elements of the original. A disappointment.

Nevertheless, for what it is, it's still good. If the forest was 10/10, this is a solid 8/10.

I have high hopes that as more content comes out as the game moves out of early access, it will provide some of the thrills of the original. Right now, it's more or less a straightforward survival and base building game without much going on horror-wise.

But as a basebuilding/survival game, it's good! Virgina is a great addition. Give her your pistol or shotgun and unleash her on an unsuspecting population of cannibals.
Posted 21 March, 2023. Last edited 27 March, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
3,973.6 hrs on record (306.4 hrs at review time)
Honestly, it has a bit of a learning curve, but you should be able to start and play marines pretty easily if you have any experience with team based FPS games. I played the original in the early 2000s and i became an evangelist for it. This is trly a brilliant game, infinitely replayable, gorgeous to look at, and once you learn its secrets, you realize there are even more secrets...
Posted 27 April, 2014.
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