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195.9 hrs on record (165.2 hrs at review time)
3. time I buy this collection... I think I have a problem...
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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146.0 hrs on record
After the game went f2p, I decided to give it a try.

It's a f2p game, so of course there's an ingame store. there are many currencies that each can buy different things. They are separated from where the characters come from, not the currencies used, except for certain activities which have been given their own tab. This makes the store difficult to navigate, especially if you are looking for something specific. It is a premium currency that you get a bit of during some activities, but the prices in the shop are astronomical. some costumes cost as much as a small game, even with 90% off.

On some activities, unfortunately, are very pay to win. In activities that give rewards based on leaderboards, you wil have to level up racers a lot for even a chance to get something out of them. And even if they try to balance the multiplayer part, it is almost always those with the highest level who win. That's just the way it is.

The collecting part of the game is very bad. you unlock the players very slowly and after they are unlocked you also have to level them up for them to become usable.You increase their max level by staring them up, which requires character parts, and you level them with equipment, something everyone uses and something unique to the class and the world they come from. This takes a very long time to collect. it seems manageable at first, but after several characters are unlocked it becomes difficult to keep up. This has now been changed. there is now only one currency per character and one for leveling, plus premium and cosmetics only.

Now that all the negatives are out of the way... The actual racing part is real fun. The driving feels pretty good and easy, but wil need some skill aswell. There is an abundance of weapon boxes on the track which makes it quite brutal to drive in groups, and with natural jumping and side dashing, gives a little extra to the gameplay. There are actualy quite a few courses now, and each course has several sections, alternative routes and can be driven both forwards and backwards, so there is rarely pure repetition of the courses. The music in the game is mostly remixes of the old Disney classics. They are very well made and I think they fit quite well.

The gameplay itself is, in my opinion, quite good. You need to like racing games, and if you want to really get into the collection, there are many hours of grinding to do. This is mainly a multiplayer game. There are a number of single player activities, but what is available per day varies greatly. so if you don't like multiplayer, you may not have much to do. Since it's f2p I'd recommend trying it. You might only get a few hours of enjoyment out of it, but it won't cost you anything to try.

Finally, I just want to mention that there are still a few bugs, very rarely something that breaks the game, but my game crashes sometimes between 1 and 2 hours. Without fail. I have only manually exited the game 5 times. I think around an hour and a half is a decent day's session anyway, so it doesn't particularly bother me.
This have been fixed. At least for me. I do have to close the game myself now.
Posted 22 November, 2023. Last edited 24 February.
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6.1 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
A Ultra Deluxe upgrade to an already perfect game.
The game do tell you this itself.
It is the original game pluss some more.
With old characters like the broom closet and the adventure line.
And some entirely new ones like the jump circle and the achievment giving machine.
So go and grab you'r reassurance bucket and explore all the things office life can give!... again!
Posted 22 November, 2022.
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726.1 hrs on record (386.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game will take a lot of your time!
If you like crafting, building, material gathering and/or challenging combat, this is for you.
May take even more of your time if you can find friends to play with.
Posted 24 November, 2021. Last edited 29 January, 2022.
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179.2 hrs on record (175.7 hrs at review time)
Repetitive and addictive. I have enjoyed all the time I have spent in the game.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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263.0 hrs on record (154.1 hrs at review time)
Et av de beste spillene denne generasjonen.
Posted 27 November, 2019.
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3.4 hrs on record
Short but good.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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145 people found this review helpful
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39.1 hrs on record (34.8 hrs at review time)
personaly i play for fun, not online. i play a few matches now and then, and I have played most of the previously titles. I mostly play for the story and the costume unlocks. i guess you can call me a casual player. And english is not my native language. keep that in mind when you reading this review.

The good:
The figthing gameplay is enjoyeble and a bitt faster then DoA 5.
Graphics are great.
The game seems to be well optimized.

The bad:
The story is confusing and over befor you know it.
The quest system is tedious and once completed it is done. no reason to play it ever again.
The unlock system is simply evil bad.
Tag team gameplay, is removed.
Unique costumes replaced with color variations.

The combat is as you should expect from a DoA title. to me it seems like DoA 5, just a bitt faster, a little more polished and with a new easy to learn "power bar". You know... like all the other new fighting games have. I realy enjoyed this part of the experience.

everything looks smother and bether then DoA 5. and i have yet to encounter a loading screen were i had time to reed the whole tip page.

while the quality of whats there, is quite good. the systems it uses are not. For me, it has always been the unlocking of costumes, which has been the moste enjoyable part of the previous games. So what was wrong with the older DoA games way of doing it? you play the charackther you want to unlock stuff for, and you get somthing new for every compleated activity. simple and effective.

In DoA 6 it's just broken. to unlock costumes you need parts. costumes need 100 to 1000 parts per costume and per color variant. when you get parts it's used on a random costume, and there is no way to target the costumes you want. if there are more parts than what needed, the excess parts vanish. quests give 200 to 500 parts. unlocking a 100 part costume with a 500 part quest happens from time to time, and are simply infuriating. and once you have all the parts for a costume, you unlock the ability to purchase it, for inn game currency. completing all the quest do's not get you even close to get all unlocks. Other activitys seem to give a quite low amount (for a 10-15 min playtime).
Edit: twitter says a upcoming patch, may change some of these things, mid march. just have to wait and see.
Edit 2: the 1.02 update changed the unlock system to always prioritize the character you are using, and excess parts are now being used on other costumes.
Edit 3: Now that the costume parts are rewarded a little more sensibly, the problem is ingame currency. Costumes that cost 25,000g (after you have collected 1000 parts) and you get plus / minus 900g per activity. they have given us all the parts we have earned, but not balanced the currency accordingly. So now we end up with many costumes that are unlocked, but are too expensive to purchase.

And then there is the dlc... with finished content already inngame, marked wit a dlc note. my opinian is that this is a overpriced cash grab. i'm convinced they cut finished content from the game, to sell it for more money later. why els wuld they have finised locked costumes ingame on day one...
my opinion are that content should be priced afther the amount of work put inn to it. and I do not belive it cost the developers 1,5 times more to produce the season pass 1 dlc, than the main game. especially since not everything that wil be released during the three-month season, will come with the season pass.

If you are a hardcore player of the previously games in the series, don't care about the costumes and just want to enjoy the gameplay, then you probobly have a good time. otherwise I say stay away. Whatever you do, please don't buy the dlc. Do not reward such money grabbing business practices.

Even though I got some hours out of the game, I regret that I bought it.
Posted 5 March, 2019. Last edited 13 April, 2019.
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93.3 hrs on record (39.5 hrs at review time)
Et meget godt valg for de fleste RPG spillere.
Posted 23 November, 2018.
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518.9 hrs on record (28.6 hrs at review time)
I'm back for more.
Still good.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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