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10 av 23 (43%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer


Finish a level in Coop mode without anyone dying
Upplåst 27 dec, 2019 @ 17:30

On my own

Finish a level in Solo mode without dying
Upplåst 1 jan, 2020 @ 15:45

On the road to a minigame!

Grab the rope before it disappears
Upplåst 27 dec, 2019 @ 17:52

One token for the machine!

Collect a token
Upplåst 27 dec, 2019 @ 17:39

Rock Star

Finish a dance routine without missing any moves
Upplåst 24 feb, 2020 @ 15:14


Pass an object to another player
Upplåst 27 dec, 2019 @ 17:35


Finish a run without the beginners gloves
Upplåst 27 dec, 2019 @ 17:31

Love is in the air

Survive an air-balloon trip for 30 seconds
Upplåst 3 apr, 2020 @ 19:24

Don’t just stand there!

Pull the assistance handle
Upplåst 27 dec, 2019 @ 18:04

Assistance device

Discover the assistance device
Upplåst 30 dec, 2019 @ 21:24


Finish a run in Solo mode without dying

Dream team

Finish a run in Coop mode without anyone dying


Finish all the standard runs


Finish all the runs

Among the clones

Finish a run while all wearing the same outfit


Reach the last wave


Score all the points in a basketball game

Slam Dunk

Do a dunk while playing Basketball


Finish the white run without dying

Ode to joy

Four players do a happy emote at the same time


Spend 100 tokens in the machine


Collect all the tokens from all levels

Complete cloakroom

Unlock all costumes