“Who do you think you’re talking to right now? Who is it that you think you see? Do you have any idea how much I make in a year? Even if I told you, you wouldn’t believe it. Do you know what happens if I just stop coming in to work? A business big enough it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don’t know who you’re talking to so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler, I AM the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!”


Whattup with two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a
quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls
Cal I Club
*DEAD* Bloodbathsback : 2FAST2KILL your nuts
Ask.Nikita.k00k: link me the demo
xTcR | Rakkasan [PD-JM]: I dont need to show you to prove you were not hacking, my division leader saw it.
xTcR | Rakkasan [PD-JM]: and he has a wire frame running so we can see exactly what you were seeing.
i dont have it. another admin has access to it.

$hadowman96 : ask is hacking
(ALL) ADMIN: ill give you this one. I did ban you for what booty said. and I do apologize.
Love Magic
*DEAD* 327 : Kook, you so crazy
*DEAD* Toast : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ban this kook kid already havnt
seen cheats like this in awhiele
*DEAD* chunni chunson : dicaprio is hacking
*DEAD* chunni chunson : clearly aimbotting....
NG-PolishKGB : yeah hacker troll clan
*DEAD* NG-PolishKGB : just keep demoi

alucard : kook who sent you
*DEAD* Toast : If thats the casue your without a doubt the best counter strike player i have seen.gameME: ViviD/ /. k00k (5,998) got 1 point for Double Kill (2 kills)
cold-NinJa RESURRECTED X3 @ T Spawn (RADIO): Roger that.
Near : Walling? kooks obv
Dr.Acula voted to ban k00k
Votes required 1/16
Cpt.Pwnzilla : voteban
Player KaRmA ShOT has joined the game
Cpt.Pwnzilla voted to ban k00k
Votes required 2/16
Dr.Acula : he shot me in the head
We do our best to keep the servers running smooth.
k00k : listen
Dr.Acula : there was smoke and i was behind the door
Currently Offline
DEPORTATIONS HAVE STARTED May 25, 2024 @ 10:00am 
rip my ♥♥♥♥♥ kook rip my ♥♥♥♥♥ jayrat....original jelly on the wanka members. outstanding gun slingers. we appreciate you for your service sir!
[///_-] lesbian^1H Nov 2, 2022 @ 8:46pm 
rip my ♥♥♥♥♥ kook rip my ♥♥♥♥♥ jayrat....original jelly on the wanka members. outstanding gun slingers. we appreciate you for your service sir!
XsoLax Mar 3, 2021 @ 12:34am 
Hope you are doing well man!
The methylamine keeps flowing, no matter what. We are not ramping down. We're just getting started. Nothing stops this train.
If you believe that there's a hell... I don't know if you're into that. But we're... we're already pretty much going there, right? But I'm not gonna lie down until I get there.
CatVideos May 14, 2013 @ 6:11pm 
\/ agreed \/