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26.5 hrs last two weeks / 844.1 hrs on record (255.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: May 4, 2024 @ 1:33am
Updated: Aug 12, 2024 @ 8:49pm

Steam still hasn't made the game available in the countries PSN would have blocked it from but hopefully that gets sorted out soonish.

As for a legitimate review of the game:

It's got those delicious, oh so scarce classic game design elements, presented on a modern platform. Things like not really holding your hand and respecting the player is intelligent enough to figure things out for themselves and rewarding them for being clever and punishing them for being overconfident. The game's tutorial really only covers the basics of moving and shooting and after that you're thrust into the fray like cannon fodder and it's up to you if you survive.

The design for the enemies is very impressive, where I would equate the effort in making every single enemy both identifiable and iconic in their appearance--both colors and silhouette--to being on the same level as the same effort that went into Valve's designing of Team Fortress 2's characters to be easily readable against any background and environment. A few hours in and you already have a good idea of what kind of enemy you're looking at at a given moment and the threat they represent.

The environments are pretty diverse and really cool to just walk around and take in the scenery, with some planets having breath-taking vistas. It's all procedurally generated but I'm impressed nonetheless with the way they got it to come together so well. I'm a big fan of the weather and climate mechanics that give you something else to think about when choosing your loadout. For example, Lasers and some other energy weapons are great but they'll overheat faster if you take them to a desert, meanwhile an arctic location will do the opposite. It also adds heavily to the immersiveness to the environments, with the day/night cycles being the cherry on top.

The guns and stratagems (fire support/call-ins) for the most part are all not only useful but very fun and satisfying to use, and there's definitely a lot of attention to detail with the animations and mechanics surrounding the weapons that i'm sure gun enthusiasts, experts, and people in the military would absolutely appreciate. Oh yeah, and nothing is quite so rewarding as nailing a Bile Titan with an Orbital Precision Strike
(And I was doing that before they buffed the OPS so you can imagine what I'm up to now. XD)

So overall, I do highly recommend the game. Been playing it since launch and while it's had some ups and downs along the road since I've never personally gotten to the point where I was feeling like the game was no longer fun or worthwhile to keep playing. And of course, playing with friends is the way to go if you can, it's a coop game so it can be a crapshoot sometimes, playing with random people, whether you'll have a good time.
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