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Recent reviews by H.U.E

Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
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162.5 hrs on record
So you want to be an adventurer and have an intact knee? You want to be thrown into a world of choice, to ignore the main quests, become the leader of thieves, assassins, worriors and mages? To fight monstors in dark, cavernos dungeons? Then put aside hello kitten island adventure and take a step in the right direction, become a hero, a legend, become DRAGONBORN! Plus they have dragons!
Posted 13 December, 2016.
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18.9 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
An intense turn base game just like the first with added extras, upped graphics and good story. There are some frame rate issues during certain cut scenes but otherwise runs great. You want to build your own secret base and fight off an alien invasion? Then this game is for you.
Posted 23 February, 2016.
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3,138.5 hrs on record (877.5 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
A game that will test the limits of your patience, where when you are shot it must be because they are hacking, when you shoot them it is pure skill and not luck. This is the classic of FPS, if you want to shoot a terrorist in the face, this is the place you are meant to be.
Posted 23 February, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
17.4 hrs on record
Yay just lost 63,000 experiance because the game gliched out when I died and killed me instantly as I respawned so my ghost vanished as well, thanks game, not like those three boss kills and shed load of mob kills waisted my time or anything... noooo... I love going through all that and then losing everything I got for it, so yeah, that's my review. Btw still enjoying it :P just mad.
Posted 3 November, 2014.
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41.2 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
So you finished stopping the V2 menace and killed your fill against other Elite snipers in 2 ey? Well welcome to the desert pal, and things are really heating up. Time to go face to face against some of the desert rats worst enemies, stealth through the single player or barge through sniping anyone who would tell you otherwise. Brought a buddy? Excellent why not try out some Co-op and show those damn Nazi the power of friendship (ha). Then, once again, wade through rivers of bodies as you rack up the count in multiplayer, thought you where the best? Think again sunshine, cause Timzy is online and this just got real!
Posted 29 June, 2014.
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168.3 hrs on record (164.7 hrs at review time)
Think being a sniper during World War 2 is easy? Think again, between being sent behind enemy lines to assassinating high level targets the life of a sniper is never done. Think your good enough to stop the German war machine? Think you can inifiltrate a V2 factory and take it down or sneak through a city under siege? Then sign up! What, you've saved the world from the V2 menace? Then jump into matches against fellow snipers and show the world your skills, play as a team with you friends and boast your amazingness or take the world on yourself in Deathmatch. Between capturing the flag, distance king, and deathmatches you'll have plenty to fill your quota as a sniping master!
Posted 23 June, 2014.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries