Welcome to good burger

"I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question.
Is not a man entitled to the hat on his head?

‘No,’ says the man with the halo, ‘it belongs to the pure.’
‘No,’ says the man in Valve, ‘it belongs to Gabe.’
‘No,’ says the man who idles, ‘it belongs to everyone.’

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose …


A city where the privileged would not fear the masses,
where the idle would not be bound by petty morality,
where hats will not be confiscated by the obese.

And with the hat of your head, Hapture can become your city, as well."

Texas County Mountie 2. juli 2011 kl. 10.04 
I've done worse things for less.
turnip 30. des. 2010 kl. 12.43 
jus cuz im kut3r then u dusnt meen u need 2 b jelus
Texas County Mountie 16. des. 2010 kl. 12.10 
Sure Kap, sure. (Neither am I)
kaptan_kul 16. des. 2010 kl. 10.26 
is that hank hil;l I am not doing this for the hats
Texas County Mountie 30. aug. 2009 kl. 21.05 
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Texas County Mountie 30. aug. 2009 kl. 21.05 
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