Little One   Eforie, Constanta, Romania
:thedragon: :orochi: :templars:
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This is not a game for everyone; The basics seems simple enough no? It's a simple 5v5, attack-and-defend shoter game right? How hard can it be? WRONG!

Let's start with the bad before the good:
- No story: I personally prefer a story driven game; sometimes that helpes with the learning curve. Non existant here.

- Lack of modes: There are a very limited amount of gameplay modes. Regardless of the mission; all multiplayer modes double up as a team deathmatch so often the match is ended by one team being wiped out rather than doing the objective

- Poor graphics and character movements: Not even gonna bother with it. For the year it was realeased it's quite bad.

- Matchmaking: What is it with Ubisoft and their matchmaking it could do with a serious overhaul.

- Variety: While the maps have enough variety between them, the game modes feel very similar. Hostage, Bomb, and Secure Area are all variations of “Try to get into a place the other team is keeping you out of.”

Now onto the good parts:

+ Entry methods: You can break down windows, walls, door and floors to get to your objective (which usually gets your team or the other team killed in the process fun right?) . You also have a wide variety of siege tools to get the job done such as the breaching charge, thermal charges, grenade launchers all the way down to a sledge hammer.

+ Terrorist Hunt: It lacks the variety and spontaneity that multiplayer offers, but still acts as a healthy diversion since the multiplayer might get a bit frustrating at times. Plus it does help with the learning curve.

+ Operators: A good variety to chose from. You'll definitelly find one you will like.

+ Sound design: Ubisoft has done a great job on the sound design in this game; If you listen carefully you'll also hear someone put a charge on the door or wall hinting at their position.

+ Enjoyable: Playing defense is a strategic rush because you know the attackers could burst through a wall at any moment. When it comes to attacking, you have to formulate a plan because running in and spraying just doesn't work (I'm talking to you CoD, Halo Overwatch players) . It goes without saying that playing with friends is way better than playing with randoms.

+ The rush: That moment when everything around you explodes and you're stuck to hugging the hostage hoping they shot him first before they do you.

Definitelly worth if bought on a sale or if you have some friends to play with and troll; otherwise if you're not a big fan of the genre stay away.
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Societatea Secretă a Iubitorilor de Gamerițe
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mysticalshroom 9 Apr, 2022 @ 9:48am 
One of my favorite players on CSGO so friendly and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome in general+rep <33
♛STYLE♋ 2 Jan, 2020 @ 6:48am 
 :icicle:      :glow::icicle:    
         :glow:   :glow:         
          :icicle::glow:         :icicle:
             :icicle:      :glow::icicle:
                         :glow:   :glow:

        :theorb: Happy new year my friend :theorb:

            :chessqueen: By ♛STYLE♋  :chessqueen:
AlexRV 16 Mar, 2017 @ 2:29am 
Dau lectii de cs la preturi acceptabile se accepta si: droguri, bautura si femei.Cursul va cuprinde o gama larga de tactici ♥♥♥ ar fi: 
-trasul prin perete (asiguram material didactic); 
-bulanul intentionat; 
-dezamorsarea bombei cu smoke-ul; 
-aruncare cu efect a flash-ului; 
-tragerea cu awp in functie de conditile meteo; 
Tot aici vei invata sa: 
-injuri si sa faci codat pe toti cei care te omoara; 
-sa dai tot timpul vina pe restul colegilor; 
-cand mori la un duel face to face sa zici:lag/fps! si multe altele... La sfarsitul cursului vei fi certificat PGL ( Pokemon Game League )