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Recente recensies door RJusto

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55.7 uur in totaal
So, about this game, SW Jedi: Fallen Order it's an addictive game with an awesome story and great gameplay. It's the first SW game of this genre in a while that is really good, so give it a try and enjoy.

  • Play like a Jedi and evolve like one
  • A balanced and not too much powerful skill tree
  • Maps with hidden parts for you to explore and collectibles that push you to do that
  • Different difficulties for you to put your playing skills to the test or just enjoy the story of the game.
  • Talking about the story, a great story that it's set in a timeline that opens the possibility to be canon with the SW movie saga AND the potential for more games of this kind
  • Audio and graphics according to what expected for a 2019 triple-A game.

  • The game is not small but ask for more (more customization types, more maps, more stories, more game!)
  • A few performance issues, especially in middle and low quality (even in mid-high quality), if people meet the requirement to run this game and buy because of it, doesn't mean that they need to be penalized because they don't have the maximum specs. If you need to run it in middle or low settings, it's because you have problems running in ultra-high quality and you don't need to have more problems than those.
    (BTW, I run the game at high-mid quality, 60 FPS with a few minor frame drops)

The Game
SW Jedi Fallen Order it's a third-person, single-player game, where you are a Jedi Padawan named Cal and after meeting some people you go on a quest to slash every single guy in white and/or dark armor that you could find with your awesome (orange for pre-order players) lightsaber. The map is pretty linear, obviously some parts look like a maze, but in the end, you go that way or you can't go to that place.

Many of you people can compare this game to Dark Souls or other games of the same type, for me however this game needs to be compared to the other games that originated this one: the Jedi Knight series. Much older than a few of you (although it shouldn't be, this game is PEGI 16) the Jedi Knight series (especially the last 2 games, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy) was a bunch of games where you could play and evolve a Jedi in your own way. You could customize your skills (the Jedi side of the Force and the Dark side too), your lightsaber and your way to fight (normal, dual-wielding, dual saber, with or without guns and other weapons, etc.), in the last game, you could even customize your character (race, sex and dressing). But those old games ("old" is the right word) lack a bunch of good things, like good graphics and free exploration.
Don't get me wrong, if you play those games TODAY, you can feel pretty much the same as you can feel with this game (Story, music, gameplay. They are all in there).

With that said I have many good things to say about this game (Jedi Fallen Order). The graphics are amazing and the audio makes you to feel the moment in the game. The characters and the story are very rich, the way you can travel between the planets to explore them again after you gain a new skill, or just for you to train to get new skill points to evolve your skill tree, it's a welcome improvement to a SW game.
It lacks a few things, people said that the maps are short (I don't agree), the lightsaber is less powerful, you can't dismember your enemies with it and many of them can protect themselves against it (I kind of agree but for the sake of the plot and the "balance" I could live happily with that) AND the lack of GOOD customization (totally agree with this part). Why you can only customize your robe (not your clothes, only the robe), you can change the colors of the clothes beneath the robe but is always the same clothes, and this is only for the clothes, trying not to spoil anything, I will not talk about the lightsaber. (One thing that is an awesome improvement, you can use the single and dual-bladed sabers and combo the attacks of them. Very well done!) The fights are good but compared to the old ones it lacks details, like in some fights you dodge some attacks but it's like you pass through the weapon. In the old games, you can even die with your own lightsaber cutting you (those old nightmares are coming back to me again...).
In the end, this game improved in so many things, but it can still be improved much more.

The Story
The story of the SW Jedi Fallen order is awesome. You can play the game in story mode (very easy mode) and still fill good playing it.
Starting with a bunch of new characters:
Cal Kestis - the Padawan that was hiding since the infamous Order 66,
Cere Junda - a former Jedi Knight that started this quest,
Greez Dritus - a Latero race, ship captain with a lot of stories and experience to share and a great personality,
and BD-1 - a multifunction, life-saver, hack-bot, heavenly, god-like, very good pal, with a great personality, a small robot that will share this full adventure, majorly on Cal's shoulders.
There are other characters that ally or fight along with or against Cal with the course of his quest, like some rebels, wookies, inquisitors and even Nightsisters. All those characters have their role well done and most of them have their lore well written for the player to enjoy. Many of their thoughts and experiences could be read in the databank or it just could be asked during your walkthrough if you just spend a few minutes and talk with them. At some point, it's just priceless to hear Greez talking about his Great-grandmother or hear Cere reasons to doubt about herself.

The game happens 5 years after the Order 66 and the consequent end of the Jedi Order, it could easily feet in the canon universe and had even more to it, with a little spoiler alert, it has easily potential space for more games with this crew, it still need to pass 10 years or soo to the events of the film "Rogue One" and those characters have soo much potential to explore after the ending; stories and characters that could also appear. (and we really need more games like this one now, so why not?!)

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order it's an awesome game, it has everything that it's missing in the current SW games, with a plus side that is well made and doesn't have all that bulls***t of the games nowadays (paid customization, lootcases, pay-to-win), it doesn't even have a DLC, which seems bad, but if they plan to do a "Jedi" game series maybe it'll be for the best to make a new game with the new content (like Nintendo is doing with Zelda) than make a bunch of DLC's of it and risk to lose the players interest in the game.
The game has some issues. It could be improved in many of its content (maps, Jedi skills/skill tree, customizations of all kinds, etc.) and could be a little longer or have some more repeatability (e.g. boss fights), but it's a very good game and the first Jedi game in a while and has potential, much potential for future games for the same kind in the SW universe.

As for the price, I saw in the past/present, many games that are categorized as Triple-A that cost 60€ or more with the same graphics (or less) and so much less content/quality. So, yes! I could recommend this game at full price, but not for all the people, only for SW fans, Triple-A games fans (yes, there are people that ONLY buy triple-A games AND at full price), and fans of the previous SW Jedi Knight series (and only because this is a gust of fresh air and needs to be incentivized for the Dev and EA to produce more of this and not just shooting games) or people like me that just want the orange lightsaber xD. For the others, I can recommend waiting for a light sale to get it (20s to 30s% should be enough), because this game is totally worth it 40€ or soo.

8.5 out of 10, I would pre-order an orange lightsaber again!
Geplaatst 28 november 2019. Laatst gewijzigd 28 november 2019.
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40.7 uur in totaal (38.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I remmember playing this game when I was at the 5/6th grade (10-12yo). I fell in love at that time for every thing that have some kind of strategy. At that time I made my on maps, played and improved them, I even made my own campaign making maps similiar to where I live.

Much time passed after that, I changed pcs (more than 1 time), stopped using cd's for every game, started use steam for games. And it was with much joy that I saw this game launch on Steam for every one to play and share their experiences. Not only that but they improve the game aswell (in case you don't know, the map maker have a wider map than the old cd version), and not satisfied with that, they make new content (DLC's) for this awesome "old" game. You can now share your creations, play with friends/strangers without much problems and run it on new pcs. (yeh I tryed put the old one... many problems man, so many problems!!!)

So.... Yeh! This is a awesome game. I recommend playing it for the first time or to remmind the old times.
Geplaatst 22 november 2017.
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1.2 uur in totaal (0.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's a nice little game and a perfect exemple of a free to play that have future. It´s simple and fun, and with different difficulties it can be challenging or just enjoyable. It has a good story with humor and many puns, but short (it can be finnished in 1-2hours or even less).
I recommend this game for everyone to at least try and have a good hour of plain and simply fun.
Geplaatst 28 september 2017.
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8 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
13.6 uur in totaal (10.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
One of the most incredible stories I've ever seen.

For a guy who is new to the Labyronia Saga, I had fun with it. This game is not much like a fighting type game (you have only more than 3 to 5 fights required throughout the game, others you can take just for fun), but instead it is a kind of puzzle, you need to do some Actions to proceed in the game.

It seems this story is the legend of "the hero of Labyronia," so for many ppl those individuals are well known, some people will say that the story is not worth it, others will love it, as for me I really loved everyone secrets and twists. It's a short game, but if it was big would ruined the whole point of the game and the price is very good. (BTW I played with a controller and it actually worked smoothly.)

The story is complex, but easy to explain. You are Windir, an air mage in a tower full of other mages of different types and the head mage was murdered in front of everyone when he talked about changing things and you were framed for it. You have figured out how to escape and disguise to pass unknown by the other mages while you try to solve the murder to clear your name. From that, things happen, you realize that the old man was right, many things WILL change, and you collect evidence and more to find the guilty and prove your self as innocent.

The gameplay is as good as a RPGMaker might be, at some points you need to be very precise with the items you need to have, the timming and (which really bothered me a lot) the specific locations to use these items. This actually buggy me a few times, for example a candle where you can interact with more than one side (right, up, down, left) you can light it (with the specified item) from just one side; Another example was a switch on a statue between statues ... if your game is a bit buggy (as mine was in some spots) or you get to feel up a little tired, you can lose a lot easily, and this is a pain .. .

My rating, and for a RPGMaker game, is a 9/10
Geplaatst 20 december 2016.
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18 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
66.3 uur in totaal (49.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
> Had just finished a race and had a car leaking smoke from everywhere
> hit a cop car for accident
> began a chase
> going on a highway
> the cop doesn't give up
> the road ends on a T-junction and stairs right in front
> go highspeed up the stairs and make a stunt-jump
> the car lands with the nose and started to burn
> jump out of the car
> car explodes and still catches me on fire
> cop get out the car and use the paper-spray to extinguish the fire and stuns me
> cop knock me down and yells: "Welcome to Saints Row, B*TCH!"
> cop enter the car and go way.

10/10 Best game ever!
Geplaatst 8 oktober 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 8 oktober 2016.
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3.6 uur in totaal
One of the best Falling by Camera Bliding game I ever played!

I would be camera blind again!
Geplaatst 4 mei 2016.
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34.2 uur in totaal (20.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is my 1st "real" review of a game, so be easy, ok?! (and it worked a bit long for my taste)
(Para os meus amigos Tugas (PT) têm um pequeno resumo no final.)
I lack on english and is just me and my old pal the google translator, but I'll try not to make a mess of it.
This review is only a Bejeweled thing from a guy that just buy this for Bejeweled, everything else is only your imagination. (xD)

Pros: - Simple and funny Bejeweled based game, but hard to master;
- Achievements that push you to master it;
- Funny characters with funny stereotypes (that will make you remember someone/thing) (and nice arts too);
- A lot of gags;
- Good history, where you can choose what to do, and who to date;
- And you can use the lame lamest lamier, and also some kind true, excuse ever made: "I only play/buy this for Bejeweled;

Cons: - Very simple simulator (lack a bar that need to be fulfilled before you go on date, or some mode that you can do that for example);
- A LOT of wasted potential;
- Steam Cards can ruin the memory game part (Shame on Steam);
- Lack of content after clearing the 1st time.

Huniepop is very simple and fun game where you will date several girls pushed up by a pink hair, pervert love fairy, making fun with a lot of stereotypes and making you unconsciously prefer one girl to another. It has a good ambient music, that you barely notice, and you can play it without notice the hours passing by.

The game is very intuitive and some kind like the real thing, you need to know what type of person she is and what she like and have that in count, not only play things like you want (like screw the rules, I have money!). The broken hearts are like the part when you say/do something that she didn't like (and you are screwed) and of course the whole memory part (know her b-day, your first date, fav. color, etc.) (and thats like on real life can be cheat too, writing things on your memos xD, Very helpful indeed).

The history and the game have a huge potential but many of that wasn't used. For example a hard mode where your bad decisions and fail dates have consequences and can even lower your "hearts" with that girl depending how many hearts you have and how bad you were. It lack 3rd bar, a "go on date" bar, that need to be fulfilled with the question game (or with help of some gifts) for you unblock that day/night date to make the question game more worth it and interesting.

The promo artwork are good and I guess is some extra money for the company, but they can do better if they implant a group date, like who didn't go to see a movie with a few friends... is not the same as a "date", but it can be use in this game to (like the Halloween promo). They can put multiple bejeweled windows or multiple bars to be fulfilled in the date game and the "likeness" of the girls grow a extra bit, even with each others. At the end you receive an artwork (they can do other promos for dlc xD) and an achievement when you fulfill a few of those. This would be the best thing after complete the game once when all the girls liked you, of course it's just an idea but is still a good one since de game have almost no objective after that part...

Saying that, it's still are a few things that I can't understand in the game, like how can a guy have 4 dates (or more) in a day, every day, without the other girls notice each others, knowing each others. That's hard, even for a pro. Doesn't needed to have a energy bar or something... Talking in pro... How can you go on date... AND RECEIVE MONEY?? That for a boy who date girls, not a gigolo who go with ladies. The inflation is other thing, 200 for an orange?? JEBUS!!! The last unique gift is almost 4000 or so, it ruin my hope to gift something like that to a girl, specially Nikki... who want an arcade machine from his boyfriend?? (well I can see some people doing it, but the point is...). Another thing that I didn't understand is why if you choose to be a girl you date other girls?? I don't know but I guess some girls will complain about it (but this is made for GUYS who like bejeweled, soo...).

In conclusion this is a very simple and fun game that I enjoy it, but still need to be worked on, especially after you complete every girl.

Like I said I'm only talking about the Bejeweled and nothing else. If you read something that is not about that is just because you have a fertile imagination.

Score 8.5/10

Para os meus amigos Tugas: ÉH PAH! Resumidamente o Huniepop é um jogo simples e muito divertido e facil de jogar, cheio de personagens caricatas que (e não existe outra forma de o dizer) as têm de levar para a cama. O jogo pede por mais, mas não está mau de todo. AH! E podem usar a desculpa mais esfarrapada que se inventou em toda a historia: "Comprei este jogo só mesmo para jogar Bejeweled!".
Geplaatst 22 juni 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 22 juni 2015.
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