Alberta, Canada
if your looking at this part of my page your probably curious about me.

been gaming since 2000, i prefer speedy games like the sonic series, i love mecha games,shows,comics i also love platformers, hack n slash, fighting games i don't mind, i won't play turns base games or rts games cause i like keeping the ball going, i also don't enjoy pvp that much .
i mostly keep to myself, i also rarely have anything to say, there also a high chance that i won't add you as a friend just because we had one good gaming session together, i also need time to recharge so i'll let you know if it's a good time to talk or not etc.
i don't binge watch anime or dive into manga that much, hardly dive into that part anyway last one i watched was gurren lagann and before that was redline. i do greatly enjoy tolkien works however
i do have a few rules if i do add you as a friend,

rule 1 - i do not play with cheaters of any kind.
rule 2 - i do not condone bullying of any kind.
rule 3 - i do not make friends with friend collector's.
rule 4 - i do not accept invites from private profiles.
rule 5 - i don't do anything with politics on steam i am here to game.