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Lejeune 18 Mar, 2013 @ 11:38am 
Hello England_1066,
Sorry, but I forgot some points to be specified:
To finish: once the installed mod, you have a new icon by which you throw the game.
- This icon opens you a window.
- For the mod you mark above on the left
- And if you want to return under the "vanilla" you make " restore vanilla files ".
- Then you close this window and you throw(launch) the "vanilla" by steam.
When you played the mod, I swear you that it is hard to return on the basic game.

Inform me and if you have information do not hesitate.
Lejeune 14 Mar, 2013 @ 6:13am 
Read these different parts from the bottom up because as said previously, STEAM, allows only the sending of 1000 characters. Good reading, by hoping that it will incite you to play this version. See you soon on a battlefield !!! On NTW « Vanilla » or on NTW3…
Lejeune 14 Mar, 2013 @ 6:04am 
There are some rules to be followed on NTW3 (see the charter of clans).
We can kill the general only by the cavalry, or the infantry, but not by artillery.
We avoid running(roaming), otherwise, we reveal his position, and we really tire the troops.
We do not take one or several same nations that his opponent.
We do not leave the game, we stay till the end.
We remain polite and courteous, no bad words.

We use to play, a small software such as MUMBLE 1.2.3, who a voice server (easily downloadable on the Internet), to have a dialogue between us. Every clan has its personal characteristics.
Lejeune 14 Mar, 2013 @ 4:24am 
Inform me, if have problems, do not hesitate to contact me.
Lejeune 14 Mar, 2013 @ 4:21am 
I post here the links up to date for the mod NTW3:
This subject will be updated to every new version.

The last version official exit(release) is: V2
The last update of the post: in 28/01/2013

Napoleonic Total War III version 2.0:
Http: /-www.moddb.com/mods/napoleonic-total-war 3/downloads/napoleonic-total-war-iii-v er-20-main-pack

Napoleonic Total War III Map Pack version 2.0:
Http: /-www.moddb.com/mods/napoleonic-total-war 3/downloads/napoleonic-total-war-iii-v er-20-map-pack

The Historic Battles:
Http: /-www.moddb.com/mods/napoleonic-total-war 3/downloads/napoleonic-total-war-iii-v er-20-hb-patch-23

The modification of the sound of muskets:
Http: // {LINK REMOVED} W5kdsu4dbjrkqey
Lejeune 14 Mar, 2013 @ 4:02am 
The last version on which we play is the NTW3 v2, the LORDZ should soon bring out a new version, v3. Which will still modify for the better the game. In expectation…