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moon 24 maja 2023 o 13:04 
Strudel is a good actor, and I'm sure he'll do a great job playing Mario. I just feel like they should've got a gay actor to play this iconic gay character, you know?

Um...if Mario isn't gay, why is his last name Sunshine?

Read it and weep: Mario Sunshine. That is his name. And he is gay. There is a pride flag behind his name like on all gay people's passports.

No, he's - his first name is Mario. His last name is Sunshine.

His full name is Mario Giovanni Sunshine and he is a proud homosexual small business owner.
Nemjen 24 maja 2021 o 23:32 
If only some of that were to rub off onto Moon, we might opt to start inviting him to the shadow lobbies we've been opening behind his back.
moon 24 maja 2021 o 15:02 
I've seen Rabbit play, he doesn't even use a monitor. He visualizes the map in a detailed rendering, completely in his mind. He has a biological wallhack; his godlike perception highlights all enemies within light-years. His eyes are closed as his mouse gracefully swerves across the table, making immaculate twitches as he flicks from head to head. The bullets that escape his gun barrel are surgical; each making a deadly strike in between his opponent's eyes. His spray control is otherworldly, his crosshair erratically jolting across the screen as his wrist muscles perfectly predict the next bullet's location. Time literally stops as he peeks, sunlight curving as his trigger finger impacts his left mouse button, sending enemies to a digital shadow realm before they even know what happened. He is un-killable. He is undefeatable. This "man" is the epitome of eternal.
moon 24 stycznia 2020 o 13:06 
So is it possible for crabs (pubic lice) to crawl inside of you? I'm a hardcore vegan and didn't want to kill them, so ive been letting them live as they please but I am concerned that they're beginning to build a civilization inside of my urethra. I really dont want to go to the ER, they've become like children to me and I dont want to lose them. Do you know any essential oils I could put in my urethra that'll prevent them from entering??
Nemjen 16 sierpnia 2017 o 23:41 
Maybe we went wrong when we told him not to leave the radiant jungle until he learnt how to pull the creep wave.
moon 16 sierpnia 2017 o 17:33 
4 years since we lost Lolo
rip young irish morph picker