12 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
0.0 hodin za poslední dva týdny / 36.5 hodin celkem (11.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Odeslána: 30. zář. 2021 v 22.01

Not sure how far I am into the game, but I've yet to feel cheated by a puzzle. There was exactly one hidden puzzle I couldn't solve for the life of me early on, so I looked online for a hint. After I found the simple hint, I was suddenly able to solve the whole thing no problem. After that, though, I felt so terrible, like I'd spoiled an otherwise excellent puzzle for myself.

The whole game's been like that so far. I've found and solved everything on my own since then. It teaches you so, so effectively the rules it plays by, and then how to think outside the box those rules make. I'm having a blast!
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