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Fizzy Dinosaur 15 ENE 2011 a las 21:38 
U heard me wrong....I promised TO make you cry more. Sally. And get a pic for this page already. If u need help deciding on what I can give you some pics to choose from.....
Fizzy Dinosaur 9 ENE 2011 a las 19:36 
Get yerself a avatar ♥♥♥♥♥. And since you didnt write anything in your profile Ill describe you for anyone who looks. Highnuhn is a 48 year old single, half-hispanic (Cuban if you wanna be a ♥♥♥♥ about it) half-Korean (the bad ones, I forget if its north or south and just be all racist to both), overweight (I'd say he could be 400lbs from looks) and is about 5 foot 2. He has over $40,000.00 into WoW. Very religious (be was a "touched" Catholic boy) and is on steam to protest guns and gun violence in videogames. If you friend him you can count on frequent nude photos (cant see his junk past the belly so nbd) and long lectures on cooking shows. He is one of those guys who claims to have a black-belt in whatever you are talking about. Obsessive-compulsive, neat-freak, possibly a closer case homosexual. Cool guy.