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Tercatat 9,870.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 9,395.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
From the amount of hours I have in this game you can see that i clearly love this game and have been playing since Feb 2013.
However, Over the years this game has become increasingly unfriendly towards new players and Free to Play players.
Requiring an absurd amount of time or money to progress down the tech trees, increasingly higher repair/research/purchasing costs with ever smaller SL/RP rewards from matches. Preventing players from playing the vehicles they want to play, whilst offering increasingly expensive store packs letting players skip the entirety of the grind without learning any of the lessons of how to play, which leaves a bad taste in people's mouth.
Gaijin entertainment could stand to ease off on the excessive greediness it has increasingly shown over the past couple years, for the good of the game and the playerbase.
Diposting pada 27 September 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 23 Mei 2023.
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