“Apathy is death. Worse than death, because at least a rotting corpse feeds the beasts and insects.”
MWJH 27 maj, 2022 @ 12:24 
♥♥♥♥♥ out for Eintracht!
Awkwurdd 6 jul, 2019 @ 17:29 
Hello there m'lady, I noticed how wonderful you are looking in your profile picture and I was wondering that if you could spare a mere second of your time to talk to none other than I. I have spent several years training in the arts of becoming the perfect gentleman for what seems to be this exact moment. Now, if you will, please accept my friend requests on social media, don't worry I already went through the trouble of finding you on instagram, facebook, and twitter. Haha, until you see this my dearest.
MWJH 2 feb, 2019 @ 9:41 
Awkwurdd 1 jan, 2018 @ 8:28 
Happy New Year !
Awkwurdd 26 jul, 2017 @ 17:59 
Awkwurdd 16 jul, 2017 @ 17:47 
Give This Rose இڿڰۣ---To Everypony You Care About.
