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Recent reviews by Tockson

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3.6 hrs on record
Story Is trash. Gameplay is Meh...Boss are mostly BALL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to takedown, doesnt worth my time nor urs either
Posted July 14, 2024.
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21.3 hrs on record (17.3 hrs at review time)
10 days the game been out, here whats the game looks like:
1: Clicking simulator to find group( matchmaking work 1/8 of the time)
2: Black Screen simulator (login server overloaded)
3: Ingame waiting simulator (server overloaded)

Instead of keeping selling the game, what about suspend it until you fix your server :S
Posted February 18, 2024.
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10.6 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
EFT is actually way Better than this scrap....There is no outside tool to help New player understant the map layout, nor quest etc(wich are random). Solo player go againts so mutch Full 4 team player whitout any mean to Oneshot them(wich again, game like this reward only team playing and not solo playing)......Stash is way too small to start whit...
Posted May 1, 2023.
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16.7 hrs on record (16.1 hrs at review time)
P2W oui, mais possible d'être Correct coté gear sans payé....Le Gros problème est que le jeux est vraiment mais vraiment mal concue.....Un "warrior" lvl 45 à 2300HP(max armor+max rez) va etre oneshotté bien souvent par un boss lvl 40.Et deviné quoi, même avec aucune armure d'équipé, le boss me fait 200dmg de plus(quand c'est supposé etre 75% de moin pour chaque élément de dégats).Le jeux est littéralement concue pour te faire crevé, no matter what dans la simple intention de te vendre des ressurections scroll....Foutu jeux mobile de merde
Posted February 5, 2023.
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76.8 hrs on record (63.2 hrs at review time)
i dont recommand at all....The current state of the game make armor useless.....you can get oneshot by a basic shotgun while running red armor....WTF......
Posted June 19, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
22.0 hrs on record (21.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Je ne peux pas lancé le jeux depuis mon achat(depuis le 1st fev).Jai donné tout les crash report aux dev sur le forum, et AUCUNE réponse de leurs part depuis....C'est inconsevable, ils ce foutte royallement de ceux qui ne peuvent joué(ils y en a plusieur), mais temp quÉ'ils ont leurs argent, ils en foutte....NACHETEZ PAS, ne supporté pas une compagnie qui ce foutte de ces clients!!!
Posted February 6, 2018. Last edited February 9, 2018.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries