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War Thunder is the Most Realistic UK Government Ass Kissing Simulator Around!

No Questions Asked. And I mean It. If you want a modern symposium on UK Government Ass Kissing (or Asskissing in Wales, ass-kissing in Scotland) you could not look to a better company than Hungarian-based Gaijin.

Gaijin should rename as Szamárcsók.

Why does a Hungary-based game company need to kiss the ass of the Her Majesty? I just do not know.

Not only do they use briticized japanglish in their company name they let the UK Government decide what information they use in their games. How is that for Hungarian pride?!

I guess the thunder part of War Thunder is when the Queen queefs at Gaijin when they ask permission to show how many rivets are in the latest tank that Britain will hide behind the American Marines.

War Thunder review is over.
Yayınlanma 18 Temmuz 2021. Son düzenlenme 18 Temmuz 2021.
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kayıtlarda 10.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 4.7 saat)
Does not work on Mac!

Do not belive the lies!

Looks great on PC, though.
Yayınlanma 25 Haziran 2014.
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