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Easily a lesson on life & business practices at the very least.

Quite enjoyable to be honest. Also it is not too easy like some games. Thinking of missing a tutorial or not reading the nitty gritty on the marketplace demands? Then you'll chase the big-ticket drugs, forgetting they take 3x as long to make, for only a hundred or so dollars more per item after processing costs. Read the graphs, understand the demand, and if you can work it out, design the drug in the most efficient way possible, whilst trying to minimise side effects, that will have your drug scored poorly in sales rankings.

Everybody should try this game, unless you are already in Big Pharma, and could care less about doing your day job in your own time. :)

Publisert 15. desember 2022.
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2.0 timer totalt (1.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Without question - the worst written piece of software I've ever happened across.

Single GPU - or SLi, this game runs like ♥♥♥♥.

And when you do endure multiple restarts of it, to force it to actually run, the 'feel', or 'mechanics' of in-game fighting / shooting just don't play out well. I'd rather have toothache.

The demands on both CPU & GPU, make me wonder who has a system out there that runs this well.

I say to you honestly - don't believe the hype (as I did), this is pure and utter garbage.

Am I noob to gaming? Nope, over 5 thousand hours in FPS games, and I don't think I have yet killed a single opponent in the 72 mins the counter tells me I've play for.

Please save your money, and buy ANY other game.

Peace out.
Publisert 24. januar 2018.
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0.8 timer totalt (0.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Doesn't work with SLi (multi-graphic cards).

Or rather it does appear to work just fine, but the results are given as 'not ready', for a system with fourteen cores and two GTX 1070 FTWs.

Publisert 12. januar 2017.
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1.4 timer totalt (1.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Great game, not too many cheating mothers, as say MW3, but the maps and weapons are that little bit less real too... i.e being able to see through walls with some perk, and fantasy locations, that mostly would never exist... whereas MW3 was just that bit more dirty and real.

But graphics are notably better than MW3, and thus system requirements are increased too, so not perfect if your laptop already struggled with MW3.

When in Europe, it is fairly easy to find a Dominatino game, but out here in Asia, well you could wait ages to find a match.

So, it is a thumbs-up, but something inside prefers MW3 over all the CODs I've played to date.
Publisert 7. februar 2015.
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7.0 timer totalt (7.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
A terrible mess of a game with fps all over the place, huge system requirements, and buggy AMD crossfire performance (even after they updated their driver too).

Often the game is just a few fps for the first 15 seconds of the match, before setteling down to normal. Similar to Ghosts.

Just saw my first hacker, and deleted the game.

Fed up with this kids wasting my time.

Looks better and runs better on the PS4 - don't waste your money here.
Publisert 23. november 2014.
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16.9 timer totalt (13.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I recommend you avoid this game at all costs.

It was probably my favourite game ever, but the cheats have ruined it to no end.

Save your money, and don't buy software from Infinity Ward, whom do nothing about the cheats.
Publisert 16. januar 2013.
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32.3 timer totalt (4.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Ladies & Gents, this one had me smiling from ear to ear!

If you are old enough to remember Hydro Thunder, you'll LOVE this! Mad jumps, moves, points for destruction etc.

Domination is the name of the game here, and as you can see from my history I've left many lesser games in my dust (not played them).

Love it.
Publisert 12. januar 2013.
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