Martin   Karnten, Austria
:vlambeerEyes: Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes :vlambeerYV:
875 時間プレイ
Excellent extraction 4PvE team game.
Round based permadeath and snowballing difficulty consistently make for high and low tension moments even after a long playtime.

Voice communication and teamwork are intrinsic to the game experience and fun, If you've never played a game where you have to relay information don't be intimidated to try this, it's easy to pick up.

Active modding community, but don't fall into the trap of "solving" the game by making it easier and robbing you of all fun in the process
6,295 時間プレイ
First person shooter with a heavy emphasis on movement, positioning and gamesense with unique, hard to master mobility mechanics.

Edit at 6khours in 2024:

MeetYourMatch was a failure and a tragedy, please roll back the update and reintroduce quickplay to make this game playable again. We all know tf2 will never be CS:GO
ё 2024年4月6日 8時46分 
literally a god of lethal company:steamthumbsup: