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6.0 hrs on record
With Scorn you really need to know what youre getting into. Its and interactive artpiece: atmosphere, sound and art direction are fantastic. However it is very short (5-7 hours) and has limited gameplay depth. Some people find the actual gameplay frustrating and at a few point that is true. However the difficulty also fits the settings and encourages you to take your time and think about what youre doing. Still for the most part it remains a walking simulator.

In the end the artstyle carries the entirety of Scorn and i would say it alone makes the game worth it...on sale. The full price would only be justified if the game included the extremely cool cut content hinted at by the artbook. Sadly there is a good amount of missed potential...7/10.
Posted 22 August, 2024.
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187.9 hrs on record (109.3 hrs at review time)
Great game and a great community
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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13.4 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
Even after coming to this game moderately spoiled by the Mandaloregaming review i still had an amazing immersive experience. It is one of the best pieces of scifi horror i have ever seen or played. People familiar with the Dead Space series, movies like Alien, the Thing, the Abyss and also Lovecraft in general will feel quite familiar with the themes in this game. Yet Bone Totem also puts its own unique (and horrifying) spin on things, and explores some interesting new ideas in the process.

All of this is done with great execution. The characters are interesting and likeable, the graphics & sound are very detailed and immersive and the gameplay strikes a good balance between difficulty and QoL. The devs even provided a handy guide for those who cant be bothered with puzzling.
An absolute recommendation from me!
Posted 24 September, 2023. Last edited 24 September, 2023.
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5.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Free trial review

First of the Game is actually fun and visually appealing. Some complain about the gunplay but i didnt mind it. The weapons are weird but once you get used to them quite effective.

That being said the price tag combined with a Store "coming soon" is unacceptable. The price needs to go down to 5-10 bucks and ideally go F2P.
Otherwise i dont see the game lasting very long. There is strong competition and player numbers were not all that great even during the free trial period. And we all know a Battle royale game without a solid playerbase is a dead game.
Posted 2 December, 2018. Last edited 2 December, 2018.
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