过去 2 周 0.0 小时 / 总时数 614.6 小时 (评测时 59.4 小时)
发布于:2020 年 11 月 26 日 上午 12:24
更新于:2021 年 1 月 19 日 上午 3:17

Honestly just keep coming back for more...
I did come back for more and I even now just want more! I can not explain how good this game is and it makes you just feel godly after awhile especially if you start quick swapping and doing weapon combos. The game will keep pushing you to become better, teach you to become the Doom Slayer! It is meant to be played on Nightmare in my opinion. But if you cant do it...yet... then don't worry, move to a lower difficulty, learn the game mechanics, learn the demons, learn your arsenal and learn the Doom Slayer, in time you'll be ripping and tearing your way through Ultra Nightmare! This is my game of the year and for years to come!

PS. The soundtrack is amazing! You'll be bobbing your head to the tunes as you slay demons :P
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