Margo Rose O'Neill   United States
"This is a song about the sorrows of the contemporary world, which I know we all know so well... at least I read about it all the time. It's like, one day - this was when I was in college, right? - and I woke up 6:30 in the morning (cause I get up early) and I put on the radio and they said, you know, so-and-so truck driver today ran over his baby son's head and it burst like a watermelon... and then they said it's twenty-two degrees out... so I figured, on all levels, there was no reason ever to go out again. I stayed indoor- I stayed indoors for about eight months... yeah hah. Also- also passed with honors in Kierkegaard, that's 'cause I understand the change in our existential leap. Anyone who lies in bed at 6:30 in the morning listening to that has to. Anyway, after that, communism was the only answer for me - I thought. And if you can't be a communist and make money, then you have to be a rock 'n' roll singer... at least in Hoboken."
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