[REDACTED}   Blackburn, Blackburn with Darwen, United Kingdom (Great Britain)

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33 uur gespeeld
This game is far more fun than it really should be.
I mean, the actual mechanics are pretty simple, you get some action point type things every turn and you can use them to adjust sliders for existing polices, scrap existing policies or pick nerw policies from a list.
But then there are all the different interest groups to consider - going all socialist? Then the capitalists will try to assassinate you, or at least, a cabinet minister might resign
Lose an election and it's game over, you only need more votes than the other party to win rather than over 50%, so you can make voter apathy and low turnout work in your favour.
It's a two party winner takes all system, no coalitions or minor parties and that is my only criticism of this game - it works well as a USA simulator but less so as a UK or Germany simulator.
It's a simple concept, but the UI is well done and the whole cause and effect system is pretty easy to figure out - invest in science and your GDP will go up, but there will be a rise in pollution and angry environmentalists may start plotting/voting against you.
It has workshop support and there are some awesome creations available.
You don't have to commit to a long session, one turn takes a few minutes, perhaps less if you're following a long turn plan and you can save and quit the game at any point.
Basically, it's really well thought out and a good way to spend a few hours of your life, plus there are difficulty sliders for different levels of player experience and/or drunkenness.