Arizona, United States
"Im sure that any state south of Virginia and east of Texas is the same state."
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1,908 Hours played
I've played it a few times. It's pretty good...
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Hell ya it is
weirdo 23 Nov, 2014 @ 4:13pm 
CombatArcay 23 Sep, 2014 @ 2:45pm 
3 gay 5 me
CombatArcay 23 Sep, 2014 @ 2:44pm 
99666999999666999999666999666 69996699999996699666996699 996699999999699999999666699669 9666699666996699666996699 996669999999999999996666669999 6666699666996699666996699 996666699999999999966666666996 6666699666996699666996699 996666666999999996666666666996 6666699666996699666996699 996666666669999666666666666996 6666699666996699666996666 996666666666996666666666666996 6666699999996699999996699

1. Highlight the text^

2. Press Ctrl+F

3. Press 9 ( without holding the Ctrl and F)

4. Wuvums
Tut 22 Sep, 2014 @ 8:18pm 
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yeetman 12 Sep, 2014 @ 10:27pm 
You have been visited by the dank weed leaf of ultimate euphoria and autism! Fame and eternal no scopes will come to you but first you need to 420 $wagsc0p3 this message to 5 other MLG blokes. If you do the $wagsc0p3 (must be really dank), then you will be a proper MLG bloke no scoping m80. If not, you will be hardscoped to kill by campers for the rest of eternity.