An all round good chap
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dillonlynch9 2024. júl. 29., 18:05 
so i found your auto miner script and i cant get a copy of it off of the programmable block, is there any way you could send me a copy of the script or help me in any way?
Killste 2024. márc. 10., 14:55 
hi. Im using your Rdav autominer and I have small issue. My ships runs out of fuel, because I make them drop stones, because I want them mine only ores. My batteries is not enough and I don't want slam nuclear reactor with ingots, playing with survival with hostile enemies that destroyes my miners. Is it possible to make it like PAM scritp, that if batteries are low that forces ship to return back to base and refuel it? Nice script by the way
Sonidu 2023. szept. 18., 8:54 
hello! Will the mod "Rdav's Fleet Command MKII" mod be updated? It doesn't work right now after the last Keen update
YipperX5 2022. okt. 8., 5:04 
Hey, I found your auto miner script way back in 2018-2019 and instantly fell in love with how powerful and simple it is. I have recently started playing again and am having some troubles getting it to operate on Stone Industries Server Cluster. I can get it to move to an asteroid but then it kinda just slides across its surface for a few meters and comes to a stop.

Being a novice at scripting, I am bashing my head against a wall trying to adjust this script to run with the world settings of my home server. Do you offer any sort of advice sessions or could you possibly have different fat levels for the script to make it run on a more strict server? The last couple servers I tried this on were interesting, either smashing into rocks at 100m/s, or just popping programming blocks instantly.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Rdav 2022. szept. 17., 7:16 
The fleet command has dock-paths that allow them to get out of ships
Zale1307 2022. szept. 17., 6:50 
Does the AI for your fleet command script avoid walls such as hangars or do the drones need to be deployed away from other structures