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35.7 hrs last two weeks / 1,799.4 hrs on record (1,583.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 6 @ 6:15pm

Fix the FPS please. Opening scoreboard leads to fps drops around 100~ less. On high end systems, for example mine with a 4080 super oc and a overclocked cpu i can barely get 240-300 fps extremely unstable and very dependent on server state. Premier has maybe 280 while faceit and cybershoke can get over 300. Normal deathmatch can get as low as 140. With resource usage at 30% stable. Theres also microstutters where fps will suddenly drop to 50-100 without ANY performance spikes whatsoever across computer components. Monitored with hwinfo and task manager along with 3 other logging programs theres not a single loggable reason as to why fps drops that much randomly and when opening scoreboard.

I have tried every single online fix i could find, every combination of nvidia settings, regedit, multithreads, single core oc, multicore oc and cs2 settings, resolutions, different screens even and even different GPU and fps will still not stay stable above monitor hz at 240. Considering pro spec has now risen to 360 hz monitors not being able to keep a stable 300+ fps at all times is ridiculous for a game that looks like this and in theory and honestly in practice should be able to run at extreme fps its kind of lacking.
Even on differenc PC's it still wont run stable at 300+

I recently built a brand new pc with high speed m.2 and 6500mhz 32gb ram 4060 12gb vram and b650m, AM5 oc ryzen 9 at 5.8ghz+ and it still in normal mm could not reach what is to be expected from a high spec pc showing usage still at 30% average.

Mine doesn't go above 50% usage at any time, i should NOT have fps drops of 100+ randomly during gameplay and definetly not drop to 100fps when opening scoreboard in a match. I can on some workshop maps achieve 400-500 fps, but aimbotz aim training it rarely stays above 300 and in mm it is unstable at everything from 140-320 fps. with p1 at 100 at times.

Ridiculous and embarrasing considering my old laptop could run cs:go at 250 and i have 34x the specs with my current setup if not more...
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