Edmund Järnsida
Alvsborgs Lan, Sweden
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Busan 23 NOV 2017 a las 18:09 
to any that listen we have been invaded and you need to wake up before its too late I have meet two reptilian's face to face in Australia since they are every where but these two I spoke with and you could clearly tell they were no of earth as their eyes were slits and I means slits when you talk to anyone make sure you look at there eyes never stop looking while you talk if they are repities they cant hold the round for more then one minute make sure when you see them in a work place tell people like im doing we have to make a stand this has really happened one at Horsley park century real estate agency and darby's pies at Argenton in Australia these are the only two I can give locations as this is where they were working no wonder we cant get jobs but here is the strange thing they changed the name of our dole office from centrelink to human services very strange hey and I have no two black 4X 4 every night park across road watching me