Thomas-The-Steam-Engine (er) / Tom   United Kingdom (Great Britain)

Summary Stuff

There's never a time where one cannot learn something New... Life is always changing/adapting and so are people, for it is true... that change is a constant and that the world is always evolving. Do your best where it's possible and remember that Life is in itself is a Roller Coaster with its own ups and downs, the same with us human beings. Control what you can control, Change what you can change and anything you can't change change leave behind or try to address the best that you can.

Many situations/circumstances have lessons inside them, and... in rare circumstances may event contain hidden 'genius' within them. Learn the WISDOM that each situation Holds.. However Big or small, there is always something new to learn.

There is nothing more precious/important than Health, Family and Friends. Sometimes it's easy to get so carried away by gaming that the truth no longer becomes clear/presents itself... It is clear now that my ego/fog has blinded me from whats really important/key and I Intend to make up for that in following year..

Learning and expanding into the new year of 2021. Forgive others as they have trespassed against us, and use lessons not to grow apart but rather... to become more UNITED as a team/together...

We Learn, we Adapt, we Grow. If you fall, learn from it, Keep Trying.. In the end trying (and trying hard) is what really matters.. It is the difference between holding regret about something we know we could have done/tried, or having a regret about failing something without ever having tried, WORSE case scenario. It is not just our successes but also our FAILURES that help enable us to build stronger/wiser... Next Time...

Having said all this.. Stay True to yourself, Always.

Always give strength to others when can, help educate.
No-one is perfect, don't expect from me or others in the near future. even most right guy on planet is wrong. Having a forgiving spirit/mentality, helping others to change, as well as ourselves.
protect others where may face detriment, in hopes that we too may save face. as one of
philosophers said. we allow people to live long above their time, thus by serving the people and us back.
Have All-Lives matter approach, not few lives matter approach. as a rule of thumb/theory. (unless distanced for self-safety reason).

Remember that.. Depreciating yourself for other people is depreciating own scoring values. Should feel any personal feelings to anyone (fine to have personal-opinions/feelings), but put them aside and focus on the good in individual. if an individual be wrong, rather than attacking them. Think instead how you as a friend/A good serving citizen could support them to improve. maybe point to examples and make several examples where a thing is evident with reasonably formed argument. people don't not like criticism they like HOW people give them feedback. research sandwich technique and you'll get it. a good argument and a polite face will get further than none of those. Thus THEN driving positive drive, and showing you are on someone's side not against/or thus imbuing negativity/effect upon someone else.


If there are any issues/doubts/concerns/feelings whatever please come to me (to can talk confidentially whatever is causing an issue for you/me/whatever). Ill be honest not a fan of passion-aggression, Any continuing passion-aggression aka beating around bush behaviour. Prefer open communication. thus helping/solving side from two points, not 1.
Currently Offline
New Value-System: (based on prior core experience)
1. If you want to know me, know me. (but don't hurt me on way to knowing me, I don't put up with that, will not put up with that).
2. Support Values/Morals not people. (very important/key)
3. Accountability not being Unaccountable. (Expectation of mine, built in to my character, decency), If I am ever wrong, then I must face up to consequence of that. and that I do/have. because that is right thing to do.
4. Assumptions, Conclusions & Judgements are to be kept-out. Assessments-of-Character before known person. Negative-Outlooks can also become 'Self-Fulfilling Prophecy'. Assume best in people and that's what you will get. Breathing behind peoples backs/prying eyes outlook. (has power to unbalance person, sew doubt where was not any doubt previously). cause/spell misfortune/bad news for individual/group of people (includes reducing expectation of group/individual). Cynical Looking-Glass / Negative-Spirit. (whatever). could be facing misery in own life that feel okay to make others subject consciously/subconsciously to same misery one is facing. Negatively projecting onto any individual. character-attacks/character-assinations, without due chance. (link to no1).
5. Solutions not problems, if don't contribute to solution. Don't make situation better for someone (why are you here?). Making it worse for others/ruining persons potential livelihood/career.
6. When people have moved forwards in life (morality of character, it shows)
7. Occasionally Giving People 2nd Chance, but won't overdo it.
8. Eventually comes to understand own mistakes when subject to same thing.
9. Values come in 'Estimation of people', unfair-beliefs comes with it. Value people first (showing respect), then comes estimation. Treatment of person comes from you, then estimation of person.
10. Looking out for unfair attitudes/behaviours/beliefs in others, many times I Remove Whole-Group of people, not 1 person.
11. Generally honest person, but learning all time. In case if forgot I am human being just like you. Experience comes from being wrong, but Experience does not Equate/Equal to being continually Wrong.
12. Annoying/Agitating/Irritating traits - Blaming people when you are responsible/involved in situation, but chose to be bystander.
13. Treating anyone 'unimportant', 2nd-person, beneath-consideration, dismissive, meat-fodder, or any of sort. under-valuated, small & diminished, anything of the sort.
14. If I feel any damage/harm is come from relationship, then my fuse/patience is but breadcrumb. I am happy to prejudice people if I believe won't come anything good from it.
15. Also not blaming others/external factors/external people but yourself.
16. Block unfair-minded people, natured people the like. (including association with such individuals).
17. See groups as issue, more than individuals. who use group to cover themselves in immoral act. who may hide behind crowds to get away with it.
18. If undermine me, you are also undermining authority. undermining strong values.
19. last but not least. unless something unforgivable, forgive and move on.
20. Communication, but when I say communication, I don't mean communicating and then not valuing what a person has to say, but extracting gold-mineral from the rock (even if do not agree, any person is never entirely wrong). communication does not mean inciting people not to communicate if what they say does not matter in any shape/form.
21. Weak-armor, easily insulted, can't deal with healthy amount of anything comes way.
22. Differing value system, might make hard to work together, agree what do agree and work based on this, or don't work together at all.
23. Value open and honest communication, so if see something don't like, then either communicate or put up with it. passive-aggression is not tolerated.
24. Things can change, If see any opposite-positive behaviour, giving compliment, giving compassion, making positive-statement, making more reasonable/fair statement. its possible that a person may remain on good-books despite any error. if it is working towards a better/brighter/positive future.
25. Energy and vibes, frequencies. if don't give me right one. I feel energy, so I know how I feel. lookout for mind-games, stuff like that.
26. Causing suffering to others and trying to get away with it, in the way that it plants blame onto victims to deal with after-effects to deal with. bad-actors (I do not forget). minus-rep to another member, including mine. backstab/betrayal/betrayed. 'Reverse Victim-Card'.
27. Double-Standard Behaviour. more wrong for others to be wrong, but yourself? not as much...
28. Refuse to be held responsible for things, not responsible. I do not own accountability, not mine. accept fair reasoned blame, not unfair-irrational or unreasonable blame. very firm, in the same way would not expect others to clean up/responsible for my acts.
29. Attitude to things, mentality, belief-system, faulty beliefs, liable cause trouble.
30. People who, do things of integrity, but not valued. (not worthwhile). not worth trouble, not worth extending arm to.
31. Only about your feelings, not others (too).
32. Dismissive attitudes, dismissing viewpoint, outlook, and more.
33. Disproportionate-Blame / Exaggeration - There's a point of being felt where overly wrong, where frankly... had enough. (point of causing another causing trouble / intimidation / control), there is a threshold of what is acceptable, what is not. cross the line, into manipulation / exploitation / mean. You are now actually, trespassing on my turf. I do NOT deserve it. serious violation of dignity.

The amount of patience I give to a person, is dependent on those factors, with some I have very short-fuse. Zero Tolerance for any harmful behaviours, directly or indirectly. difference lies not in being perfect, but in being ACCOUNTABLE. Original-Moto is 'accountability, not perfection'. My 2nd Moto however is long-fuse? or short-fuse? means based on assessment. I can choose whether to dwindle my own patience for people. I will not stretch out/overextend for people who patience is clearly wasted on. like a battleship scanning for individuals who not right and eliminating from list.

If I have seen negligible behaviour or believe nothing good will come from relation, then I WILL put on block list. (form of consequence/red-flag, also to let individuals know I don't condone in recent behaviour). Neglect (Omission of right-thing), or the Reverse. (Disrespect) I would much prefer to be lone-wolf if the failure of behaviour is 'Widespread'. As member of gaming-community, I am also to be valued, and preserve that right. (could be any sub-par group that are acting in unison/unisonally involved in perpetuating injust behaviour/shared attitudes amongst its people).

To show I am serious, I will start blocking people who habitually cause a problem for me. people who, most part are clearly not worth it. not worth hassle/time/patience. unless counter-evidence statement can be made, this is way I would like to keep it. thanks. any form of toxicity/toxic-character. I'm entitled to my beliefs, like you. If you don't like moral-structure, then take-them-up or leave period... Because its not going to work out here (as group), and not going to inspire good-effect/reward. I will NOT ENDURE anything that I should not forced put up with. the way i deal with negativity is I don't deal with it, I remove it entirely. (before get enmeshed with same infection others infected by). Sry but, I have to be very-thorough with people... if uncooperative then it stops here. may prefer to keep company with positive-individuals (outlook). it may take a long while, before restore trust/faith in people. or negative-FATE. (between pe
V1ntares Dec 5, 2022 @ 8:54am 
has the swordiest sword
gloucester_grinch.thed Aug 14, 2022 @ 6:15pm 
you've got a great mind dude, keep thinking forward!
三木是sb Aug 30, 2021 @ 5:51pm 
+rep great guy
Hammer96 Jan 5, 2021 @ 6:55pm 
Philosophy of 2021 (Official)
Hammer96 Jan 5, 2021 @ 6:24pm 
There is wisdom in being more reserved/simple.. letting others have their say... and taking in what they say also.. No-one is perfect... Being human means we have a tendency to screw up at times and that's alright.. what matters is how we get back up and LEARN from that lesson.
Hammer96 Jan 5, 2021 @ 6:20pm 
Gaming Heavily/Intensely has made me realise this lesson (easy to get carried away), and miss what's really/truly important in life.. Also we are not without our faults, we should try to learn from them as much as possible and learn our lessons/expand as much as possible. It's good to keep/maintain clear objective perspective at all times..