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1.2 hrs last two weeks / 71.5 hrs on record (16.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 17, 2022 @ 1:42pm
Updated: Nov 28, 2022 @ 11:59am

Well well well, it appears that the internet is yet again too judgeful for a product which didnt deserve all the hate it recieved.....

Let me explain to you why i chose to recommend this product despite its past negativity.

When i was a kid i grew up playing the old sonic games with a collection called "sonic mega collection plus" (for the PC) which im sure most of you might be familiar with, it contained the original sonic games (except sonic cd which i was really eager to try out) from that point the classic sonic games (my favorites were sonic 1, 2 and 3&k) became my personal favorites and grew on me for the time being, ever since then i havent touched my beloved classics for a decade and unfortunately i handed over my bundle to my cousin which i regret to this day..... (plus computers dont really support CDs anymore so even if i still had it, it would still be useless)

Fast forward for the announcement of sonic origins and i was rather thrilled to give it a shot, return back my childhood memories that filled me with joy, thanks to the new sonic movies and my introduction with sonic mania i was finally united with sonic after almost 10 years of not touching a single sonic game. but as you guys may assume i started developing hatred due to the internet's poor reception for the product's release, swearing to never buy it at its current state, i didnt wish to waste my hard earned money on a product filled with gamebreaking bugs.

For months ive been debating with myself if i should buy sonic origins whenever i could and decided i would only do it when the game goes on sale, and that is excactly what i did.

Let me tell you a bit about the experience i had with each game that was offered in the bundle (by the way i recommend you to get a controller to play the games, keyboard controls are a bit clunky)

Sonic 1: the first entry in the series was actually very wierd for me at first, afterall i havent touched it in years,
although it is still the slowest sonic game out of all the sonic games on the list, it was still fun but felt exausting clearing 3 stages with no innovation, but hey, it was the first game so i cant blame them.

Sonic CD: This game i never tried before and was very eager to finally play it, many would call it "the black sheep" of the series as its generally very different than a normal sonic game, its essentially a sonic 1 upgrade but not fully understandable, i found the level design very odd and not very enjoyable, lets just say i didnt like the game and it made me sick, would never play again but im still happy i tried it and saw how a classic sonic game shouldnt be made.

Sonic 2: now we get to the fun part, my second favorite game of this collection, this time sonic gets a new buddy named "tails" which really added flavour to the game and although his controls arent perfect, he is surly a great add on to the game, level design is very good with a sign of a huge progress from sonic 1, utilizing speed more than its previous installment.

Sonic 3&K: And the cherry on top, the absolute king and the game that truly finished this collection with a great taste in my mouth is this masterpiece of a game, with the introduction of an actual story in the game, sonic 3&k suddenly gets more depth which would later follow to other games with much more complicated plots like the sonic adventure games which are heavily based on sonic 3&k's story.

Plus, with me restoring back the MJ tracks to the game, it made the experience even more enjoyable (no stupid lawsuit will stop me from enjoying these goosebumping tracks >:D)

So, what is the overall verdict of the product? Well after thinking about it deeply i came to a conclusion that at its current state, its a totally worth buying!
and before you call me biast , heres why i think that way:

1) I havent encountered a single bug/glitch as reported by many in the past, it appears that SEGA has indeed fixed the product and its now safe to buy, although i dont promise you that you wont encounter old school bs like bottomless pits and ingame mechanics which are still fairly annoying at times.

2) The cutseens done for the game are absolutely gorgeous! the amount of effort and work that have been put to them are mindblowing, and with the introduction of story mode, these cutseens are connecting each and every classic in its place, creating a wonderful story.

3) For those that claim that denuvo crushes the game's identity/ruins the game/doesnt allow mods/decreases performances ive got news for you, DO YOU GUY KNOW HOW MANY GAMES RUN ON DENUVO ANTI CHEAT? IF YOU DONT, HERES A FULL LIST OF THEM

4) And for those that miss the MJ tracks of sonic 3&k, just replace the horrible tracks with the tracks here

For those that are still wondering if you should buy the bundle or not, it depends if you own previous classic sonic games or not, if you own them in any platform then i wouldnt recommend it, but if you are new to the franchise, looking for a quick escape with the timeless classics of the 90s or just want to add the classic sonic games to your game library, you should give it a go. (And if you worry about the price, just buy the standard edition or wait for a SEGA sale)

Do i think this is the best classic sonic game bundle ever released? Of course not! do i condemn SEGA's decision with delisting all of the classic sonic games on steam? Absolutely! But do i think this bundle deserves all the hate it got? Not at all!

But at last, Sonic origins is still worthwhile if you fit the categories, otherwise you are just wasting your money with a bundle which will get released a decade later.

The classic sonic games will forever have a place deep in my heart as the games that truly defined my childhood and made me the returning sonic fan i am now, its not necessarily the bundle that made me this way, its the games i got to experience once more and keep them where they belong, proudly displayed in my games collection.
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