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過去 2 週間: 10.7 時間 / 総プレイ時間:3,532.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,124.6時間)
投稿日: 2019年4月27日 10時47分
更新日: 2021年11月11日 6時15分

im gonna rate this game as solid 3/10
there is some reasons behind it here is some +\- of it :
- they have major problem with party / lobbies its stop working atleast once in a weak and u cannot connect to ur friends one and they cannot join urs that sucks and as i said they're not fixing it properly
- u can get even a 9 game win streak and u still wont get a rank up (be aware of fact that if u lose 1 game u are starting oce again from begining)
- community is toxic and if u are playing with randoms its kinda impossible to run into nice people
+ game is kinda adictive and u cannot stop playin it even if everything in it is bad af

Thats it valve dont screw me and i hope u will get ur game back on rails couse u messed up in one point and u are not even trying to come back (pssst releasing a new case 2 or 3 times a year to make more income is not a way to deal with that :) )
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