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95 people found this review helpful
62.8 hrs on record
"La conviction est la volonté humaine arrivée à sa plus grande puissance."
Dragon's Dogma 2 est un ARPG qui vous met dans la peau de l'Insurgé, chargé de débarrasser le monde du Dragon qui vous a volé vôtre cœur.
Je précise également que je ferai abstraction des MTX et problèmes techniques si souvent évoqués.

👍🏻Points positifs :
  • L'Action : dynamique, intense, des sensations grisantes lorsque l'on vient à bout d'une grosse créature. Je suis obligé d'ajouter tout de même que les combats sont d'une facilité extrême.
  • OST : Discrète hors combat, excellente durant. Elle fait le café et on n'en attend pas moins.

👎🏻Points négatifs :
  • Le RPG : si l'on exclu les mécaniques d'équipement, de leveling et de stats, le reste est probablement l'une des pires expériences de RPG que j'ai pu vivre. Le reste inclut donc : l'histoire, les personnages et la progression.
    Autant Dragon's Dogma premier du nom avait la décence de se contenter d'un "Vous êtes l'élu", autant ici vous êtes l'élu mais en plus vous avez un royaume entier qui vous vénère pour cela. Oh et j'oubliais, vous êtes amnésique.
    Les personnages secondaires (oui, pas de principaux) sont inintéressants au possible et n'ont aucune évolution.
    La narration est inexistante, vous errez sans réel but autre que celui de reprendre possession de votre royaume.
  • Silent hero : Nous sommes en 2024, à part me procurer des fous rires en voyant le bouche ouverte de mon perso tel un demeuré à chaque dialogue je ne peux pas cautionner ça (VLDL en a un magnifique épisode à propos).
  • L'Exploration : Je constate qu'énormément de monde est satisfait, tant mieux pour eux. Personnellement un système d'exploration daté d'il y a 20 ans où il faut se contenter de routes principales et d'UNE route alternative avec quelques rochers à escalader quand c'est possible... c'est non. Oubliez de suite l'eau, si elle vous arrive à la ceinture vous mourrez. Oui, ce système était présent dans le 1. Mais, c'était il y a 12 ans. Hormis une excuse honteuse pour ne pas fournir d'efforts, c'est impardonnable. Concernant la stamina eh bien, sur PC nous avons l'avantage des mods, et ne pas consommer de stamina en dehors des combats aurait dû être dans le jeu à la base.
  • Le loot : Explorer peut paraître frais les premières heures, mais n'est en aucun cas gratifiant, la faute à un système des plus radins et déprimant possible. Je ne demande pas une douche de loot, je souhaite lorsque j'ouvre un magnifique coffre planqué au fond d'une grotte obtenir une pièce d'équipement intéressante, pas UNE potion que je peux déjà crafter 15 fois grâce aux composants que j'ai ramassé en route. Il m'est arrivé d'obtenir dans de très rares cas de belles pièces mais que je ne pouvais pas équiper car je ne jouais pas la classe adaptée, aucun souci de ce côté, je l'utiliserai plus tard. Mais non, car plus tard, j'ai tellement pris en niveau que lorsque je change de classe, le stuff de base fourni par la guilde est bien meilleur.
  • Les Quêtes : Fausses promesses. Le jeu a été vendu comme un système frais où il faut suivre les indications données par les PNJ plutôt que de se rendre bêtement à un marqueur avec l'itinéraire dessiné : "Tournez à droite après le ruisseau en gardant la falaise derrière vous." J'en ai eu l'eau à la bouche. Malheureusement, vous aurez des marqueurs dans la quasi totalité des cas avec de rares exceptions qui vous demanderont d'utiliser vos neurones pour comprendre que déchiffrez tel ouvrage historique ne peut se faire que par un historien dont l'emplacement n'est pas indiqué sur la map. Wow, donc si je veux vendre un item, dois-je comprendre que je dois aller voir un marchand ?
    Et encore, là je ne parle que de la structure des quêtes. Beaucoup sont illogiques au possible, buguées / soft-lock et vous obligeront à aller vérifier sur le net si c'est intentionnel ou non. Mention spéciale pour la plus stupide que j'ai eu : La quête du chariot fantôme. Il vous faut soit monter à bord, soit le suivre. Le chariot au milieu de la route refuse d'avancer, impossible de le suivre, donc, comment monter vu que le PNJ n'a qu'une ligne de dialogue ? Réponse se mettre à poil.
    Petit condensé, je n'ai aucun problème avec le voyage rapide. Là où j'ai un gros problème en revanche, c'est le fait de devoir se rendre quelque part avec une rencontre d'ennemis toutes les 30s. Itsuno-san a dit je cite : "Le voyage est ennuyeux ? Ce n'est pas vrai. C'est seulement parce que votre partie l'est." Alors, les rencontres à répétition ne sont là que pour vous donner l'illusion qu'il se passe quelque chose. J'ajouterai aussi que clean entièrement une zone devrait vous assurer un minimum de tranquillité pour les prochains jours, non. Les mobs respawn dès le lendemain. Dure vie pour les habitants de ce monde.
  • Inégalités entre les classes : Il y a un besoin urgent de patch. Certaines sont abusives, libre à vous de ne pas utiliser les skills qui les rendent broken, il n'empêche que ces skills existent. Mentions spéciales au Voleur et Chevalier-Mage qui sont invincibles. Plus haut je disais que les combats étaient faciles, cela en devient pénible vu la fréquence de ces derniers.
  • La Furtivité : Absente. Jouez à Skyrim après, vous allez halluciner en voyant que 13 ans séparent ces jeux.
  • Les Pions : Ma plus grande déception. Leur introduction en 2012 m'avait mis des étoiles dans les yeux. Aujourd'hui leur IA est à peine plus avancée et ils sont juste plus réactifs et "débrouillards" via leur spécialisation. Ne vous y trompez pas, le système de recrutement / progression est génial sur le papier, mais manque cruellement de finitions sans parler de leurs voicelines. Entendre les mêmes 3 lignes de dialogue en boucle... pitié (vous pouvez les désactiver).
    Qu'est-ce que cela coûtait à Capcom de payer les 2 doubleurs pendant un mois pour enregistrer des centaines de répliques avec une condition empêchant les Pions de répéter les dernières utilisées ? Ce monde n'est pas "vivant", il est d'un profond ennui dès que l'on cherche à taper la discute, quand ce ne sont pas les PNJ qui nous envoient paître.
  • Bugs : beaucoup de bugs mineurs et soft-locks. Je ne peux pas être le seul à avoir save avant de passer un pont / tronc d'arbre au cas où mon perso déciderait de partir sur le côté.
  • Le combat final : Je n'aborderais pas les 2 fins possibles. Seulement une chose à dire sur l'une d'elle : celle où l'on affronte Grigori dans le cratère. DD1 m'a offert un affrontement incroyable de 20min à courir sur des remparts, tours pendant que le Dragon détruisait l'environnement et nous arrosait de flammes. Arrivé au cratère, vos Pions sautent pour se joindre à vos côtés et faire front, épique. DD2 : vous êtes dans le cratère, vos Pions pop au loin sans cinématique, Dragon tué en 2min. YAY.

Conclusion :
Cette accumulation de détails devient une nuisance qui pourrit l'expérience. Certains se contentent de l'update graphique, grand bien leur fasse, le jeu souffre néanmoins d'un cruel manque de finitions et est sorti bien trop tôt.
Côté action vous serez servi, pour la partie RPG, passez votre chemin. Ce Dragon's Dogma 2 est un remake du premier (le 2 est carrément absent de l'écran titre). Les "limitations" (contraintes temps, budget etc...) de l'époque ont faites qu'Itsuno-san ne pouvait pas pleinement transmettre sa vision d'origine. Eh bien voilà, c'est chose faite, nous avons la version de 2012 "sublimée" en 2024.

Au plaisir d'en discuter avec vous.
Posted 1 April, 2024.
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51.8 hrs on record
"Welcome on ol menawí"

This game has been on my list for a while, firstly because I love RPGs, but mostly because the studio behind it is French. There is of course the community that spoke of it as a worthy successor to the good days of BioWare, enough for me to look into it.
What is it really ?

👍🏻Positive points :
  • Environment : I'm not talking about graphics (although they are very good), but really about environments. It's a real breath of fresh air, we feel that each region has been worked with care, whether it is the trails, the groves or the rocky mounds. This brings a certain realism to the world and greatly contributes to stopping to contemplate a panorama.


  • Combat system : Easy to learn, easy to master. You will have a dozen shortcuts to bind and frankly you will not encounter any difficulties with the system itself. However, the diversity of enemies, their number and their skills can be a serious problem at times. There are some balancing issues and a bit too much ease with a few strategies, but overall the gameplay is enjoyable and smooth.
  • Craft : Classic but effective, the element that will appeal to many is undoubtedly the customization of weapons/armor, each improvement changes the visual of the part concerned.
  • Storyline : I must admit that it made me happy not to fall into yet another scenario of chosen hero/quest for revenge etc... You are just a politician sent to an island full of promise in order to find a remedy for the terrible disease which is decimating the Continent. A race against time and a call to adventure that marked me. Without revealing too much, you will quickly learn that the Natives are in conflict with all the peoples of the Continent, but that they are your best chance for success. I will say the game has the overall structure of Dragon Age: Origins but only scratches the surface of its potential (due to a small team). It brings his fair share of great moments and even a good tension in the last act, that's all I asked for from this game.


  • Characters : Well written, some are endearing and there was notable work on Síora a bit like Liara in Mass Effect where we feel that the devs do everything to push us towards her. The dialogues can be sometimes simplistic but without falling into the ridiculous. However, I must insist on the excellent work of the voice actors, I am thinking in particular of Cassie Layton (Lady De Sardet) and Kezia Burrows (Síora) who made my playing experience much better.

👎🏻Negative points :
  • Exploration : I cannot understand the decisions made on this matter. The world is made up of multiple open regions (which is cool), but you'll soon find that exploration isn't rewarded, at least not at first. Indeed, you will need Talent points to climb higher, cross chasms, sneak into tunnels etc... Which will force you VERY often to come back later in the game to pick up more or less interesting items. You will understand, you will be doing a LOT of back and forths for not much. You are free to explore but the progression system ruins the experience, at least for me.
  • Various bugs : Nothing too serious, but these recurring little details can make some people lose patience.

Conclusion :
Do not expect an exceptional game, rather a good time of gaming accompanied by a soundtrack which is not striking but nice and some sequences are excellent. I think the game could have been a lot more memorable if it had been released several years earlier. However it is a game that I recommend for any RPG lover.
Posted 14 January, 2022. Last edited 14 January, 2022.
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3.1 hrs on record
"Peace and meditation."
ABZÛ is the kind of game that allows you to relax. Short but beautiful, we enjoy exploring the recesses of the ocean, meeting species and following some.
In this adventure game, you will go deep into the depths in search of answers. Of course, I do not recommend playing it if you have thalassophobia. We are not on Subnautica however, there can be some stressful parts even if that is not what the game is trying to make you feel.
I highly recommend playing with a controller, nothing prevents you from using keyboard/mouse, it's just that your movements will feel slow and painful.

👍🏻Positive points :
  • Sound design : I place it first because the work done contributes greatly to the immersion. Each place has its own codes and we can easily identify where we are, even with our eyes closed. I'm not familiar with the studio's work on sound, but I do appreciate it.
  • Controls : The controls are quick and easy to learn. Do not expect weapons or any objects, you will only be able to move, gain speed boosts, interact with flora and fauna and perform tricks. For a game of this duration, this is more than enough, you are there to relax, not to get lost in unnecessary mechanics.
  • Environments : The diversity of the places visited and the species that we meet there are good. The game may seem simplistic in its graphics, its minimalism is no less welcome. This is what sets him apart so much to me.


👎🏻Negative points :
  • Story : Lack of information. Everything is suggested, there is not the slightest note of text, not the slightest dialogue. Personally it didn't bother me, I just find that the game lacks depth (no puns).
  • Price/Game time : Much too short, for 20€ it is expensive. Wait for the sales.

Conclusion :
ABZÛ is a swimming simulation where you don't have to have any special expectations. Only play it if you want to have a good time without fussing over it.
Posted 26 September, 2021. Last edited 26 September, 2021.
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107.2 hrs on record
"I prefer a good corridor than a bad open world."

Before being a game of my teenage years, FF XIII is a JRPG whose success with players has been somewhat mixed for several reasons that I will detail below.

👍🏻Positive points :
  • Story : "A Fal'Cie (god-like) charges you with a mission that you will have to complete quickly or else be changed into a crystal monster." For regulars of FF, this one is confusing because the characters spend a lot of time questioning themselves about their mission and their personal dilemmas before deciding to act. Neither of them is a hero, they lie to others and to themselves all the time. This is what makes the adventure very emotional.

  • Characters : They will grow up and accept each other. Moreover, they will accept their destiny as dark as it is, because there is still hope. I really loved Lightning and Fang, and while the writing isn't perfect, it's still very good.


  • Gameplay : Corridors. Corridors everywhere. Except the part on Pulse which is much more open, I have nothing to say. We like it or not. About combat system... yes, ATB is a good point. Sorry to disapoint some of you. You can fully appreciate it by struggling with bosses/particular ennemies. I'm sure you're not gonna say "EZ" against Vercingetorix, good luck with "press Auto". Don't get me wrong, I'm honest with you guys, auto can be boring, I know. But try it with serious ennemies and you gonna enjoy it.

  • Visually : The game has aged badly. That won't stop you from loving its graphics and especially its action-packed cutscenes ! The PSICOM attack, the Cocoon race...

  • OST : Masterpiece. I still have the physical version and listening it time to time. I enjoy games where music fit to each situations, it is the case there.

👎🏻Negative points :
  • Bad port : Issues like low resolution images and a dearth of graphics options, many other things... BUT, there is a good new ! We are on PC and the community is awesome, go mod it.

  • Strategies : Nothing to do with strategies, but the functionnality to switch between them is terrible. When you switch, your characters are doing a little animation... and let ennemies hitting you during this. Fixed with FF XIII-2.

  • Pulse : Empty. You're going to lose a lot of time to travel for sidequests especially if you're looking to 100% it. It's not that bad, could be much better.

Conclusion :
I think this game has all the ingredients to please, especially in terms of the story and the characters. It did not have the expected success because it was not what the players expected. Give it a chance if my brief review has caught your eye.

Remember one thing : there is no better Final Fantasy, only the one you prefer.
Posted 8 September, 2021. Last edited 20 September, 2021.
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528.4 hrs on record (382.1 hrs at review time)
"I'll yield to none !"

This is my review after beating 100% of the game (all content/achievements).
The game is young enough to speak to any co-op or CRPG amateur and with good reason, it's one of the best in its type !
Let's see why.

👍🏻Positive points :
  • Story : Without really surprising, the story of DOS2 manages without difficulty to pique the curiosity of the player to bring him to always want to know more. Still far better than many games, classic but effective when others say "cliché !".

  • Characters : Premade origins are great for deepening lore and bringing additional interest to the player. Six in number, only one left me indifferent. Special mention to the VA which is great (especially Brian Bowles as Narrator). But you still be able to go with a custom character ofc.

  • Customization : Huge, as long as you're not playing tactician/honor mode where you're "forced" to play some buids (physical FTW). Some races are just too good for their talents/skills while others are "ok" and better for RP. You have enough to experiment and you'll see quickly what is good and what is not.

  • Gameplay (freedom) : You are free to interact with the world as you see fit : negotiate, persuade, steal, kill... it's up to you to set the limits. Personally, I loved playing a barrelmancer.

  • OST : Borislav Slavov. All is said. I just can't wait to enjoy his new creations on BG3.

  • Visually : The game is magnificent. Beware however, there may be times when your PC may not like it (like fireworks).

  • Co-op : ofc it is a good point, there are so many hilarious situations (thanks David, I keep those briefs you sent me). You can have some RP, stop at the tavern, get drunk, annoy the waitress etc...


👎🏻Negative points :
  • Unbalanced : Some skills/classes are just broken. Go Necro or Fire/Geo mage and you gonna OS entire groups even final boss in Honor mode... Some will say it's because I know the game, I will answer that Larian was too permissive in many aspects (like keeping his buffs during a dialogue). There are too many ways to get overpowered.

  • Acts : Unequal. The first one is incredible, so much so that it is addicting and prevents players from continuing, constantly creating a new character (that's a good point). The problem then arises, the more we progresses, the more the Acts lose in quality and this is felt especially in the last one.

  • Consequences : Since there is so many ways to progress/complete quests, you don't really feel the consequences of your choices. Forgot to talk to a man at the start which is preventing you from finishing a quest ? Steal/kill his wife to fix it. I like freedom, when it remains consistent. If I play an evil character, how come I get the "Hero" tag ? Because I refused to kill a chicken ?

  • Money : You don't need to steal (but you will cuz it's fun). Money is so EZ to get that become hilarious...

  • Spears : Purely subjective, I hated that the Spears were so poorly incorporated. You will find a unique and overpowering one at the beginning and that's it, after all will depend on the "luck" at the merchants. Don't get me wrong, Spears are really good for their range and cleave damages, you just can't found a decent one and that's why some builds are better for higher difficulties mode.

Conclusion :
The difficulty may have repelled some, it remains a major challenge even for the most seasoned with the Honor mode (beaten by 0.7%). I'm more surprised by the 9.7% for Classic mode, the game is not so long, maybe because of what I said earlier, Acts lose in quality etc... idk.

Final advices before embarking on the adventure :
- Play/recruit Fane.He's basically the heart of the story and got one of the most broken skill in the game.
- Play as you want.
- Play it with your friends.

I recommend 100% 👌
Posted 7 September, 2021. Last edited 5 October, 2021.
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54.1 hrs on record
"Brains !"

I don't know what to say. A pure classic fun game.

That's all folks.
Posted 13 July, 2021.
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202.0 hrs on record
"You were born to do this."

I'll try to keep it short as others have written much more constructed reviews over the years.
Mass Effect is a 3rd-person A-RPG where you play as Commander Shepard (male or female) in the not-so-distant future. Mankind discovered faster-than-light travel through the study of ruins of an ancient civilization on Mars and must now find its place among the other races of the Galaxy.
That was for the type/synopsis of the game, now let's see what interests us.

👍🏻Positive points :
  • Story : Despite the eternal debate between fans over the end of the 3rd game (RIP dark energy), everyone agrees that we have the best video game saga of all time. And with good reason, the richness coupled with the coherence of this universe make it credible thanks to an remarkable work of writing. It's a real space-opera in which your decisions will have consequences, even several tens of hours later.

  • Characters & VA : What to say ? The great strength of ME is obviously its characters. What is there better to involve the player than to make him attach to his companions ? Each of them has their own personality that you can influence. Whether they are human/alien, you will love some, hate others, but in the end you will not forget them. This feeling is reinforced even more thanks to the excellent voice acting. I was able to do the trilogy in French as well as in English and voices like those of Pascale Chemin/Jennifer Hale (FemShep), Keith David (Anderson), Françoise Escobar (Tali) or Martin Sheen (TIM) only made their character even more alive. To all these people I say thank you ! My heart belongs to Tali.


  • Gameplay : Without going into details because I cannot develop for each of the 3 games, the trilogy has evolved to such an extent that each game has its supporters. Some will regret the statistical side of the combat system of the first game, others will get annoyed because of the spacebar button which forces Shepard to take cover during a sprint... Still, the gameplay improves with each episode and we clearly feel that the level design has been designed to match it. It's not just the action phases of course, you can visit planets, take sides/threaten people, buy a goldfish while a galactic conflict looms etc... The best summary I can make of it and that the gameplay serves the story.

  • OST : With almost the hundred tracks that make up the OST of this trilogy, I especially thank Jack Wall and Sam Hulick for their work. The score is inspired by classic sci-fi movies, it blends 80's electronic music with modern orchestral scoring. Their music sublimated parts of the games and gave me chills. I just have to think of the credits of the 1st (thanks to Faunts), the Normandy, the Citadel, a certain mission of the 2nd game... these games have their own sound identity.

  • Visually : For the visual aspect, I'll just say that the Legendary Edition is worth it for the work done on the 1st game. For the others, they have aged well.


👎🏻Negative points :
I can't really make a list in the sense that these are minor issues that depend on everyone's expectations. But I can say without too much problem :
  • The Mako (vehicle in ME1) : To me, it's not a bad thing, but I can understand why there is people who hate Mako's phases (deleted in next games).

  • AI : Sometimes dumb, specially in the 1rst game. Also, you might have trouble from time to time with your teammates refusing to obey simple things. Nothing too bad.

  • Animations : As I said, it depends on everyone's expectations. To me, it's still really good but I know many players will be disgusted because the games are "old".

Conclusion :
I didn't mention the price in the negative points because for me it's absolutely not one. That some people complain that 60€ is too expensive for a trilogy finished for 9 years, I understand. But I think especially of the players who will discover this universe, 60€ for 3 games and all their DLCs, it's a good opportunity and it remains better than the majority of recent games in terms of content. I'm not fooled though, I know why EA is doing this.

Regarding modding, BioWare have been exemplary following their press release. Over the years, the community has developed great content which unfortunately is no longer compatible with this edition. BioWare said that it was in talks with modders to help support the game and modding tools, and for the moment the content is getting richer every day !

Like many, this saga has a special place in my heart. I discovered this universe many years ago, I laughed and enjoyed every moment within the Normandy crew and I will relaunch a game for sure. Mass Effect is an invitation to travel and adventure ! So stop reading me and go for it, it's totally worth it !


Posted 10 July, 2021. Last edited 20 September, 2021.
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177.9 hrs on record
"I don't play an RPG for its gameplay, but for its storyline."

So, Dragon Age: Inquisition (DAI for close friends), is an RPG with multiple open regions. Much has been said about this game, not least because it is from Bioware whose reputation has steadily declined in recent years.
I will share my opinion with you while remaining as objective as possible.

👍🏻Positive points :
  • Story & Characters : Honestly, the story is neither good nor epic. It sits somewhere in between and it’s already pretty good when you see what’s coming out. The biggest criticism that has been made is that you are the "hero" from the start. Certainly, but our character will have to deserve this title by his actions so I don't see where the problem is since there is an evolution of your character. Your companions are a real pleasure. We feel the effort made to keep each of them in memory (little thought to Varric and Cassandra). Talking to them between each quest really helps develop your relationships and leads to incredible scenes (spoiler : poker night). You can of course start a romance, hate them, push them to leave you permanently etc... Nothing to complain about on this side.


  • Visually : Frostbite is arguably unloved by a lot of players, it was painful for the developers to use it but the result is there and it works. The game is beautiful and it is sometimes difficult to say that it was released in 2014.


  • OST : Excellent. On the one hand we have great ambient sounds which confer an identity specific to each place, on the other hand the OST is really well done, you probably gonna have some titles in your head for a while. I don't see what to add and I refrain from posting links to certain scenes where the music really carries the story.

  • Gameplay : You have a whole bunch of possible builds to try, you will have fun and diversity even if a lot of (bashing) fights are similar. That was for the combat part, now the exploration. Tons of people are complaining because there is too much things to do when you're exploring, I don't think it's a bad point since everybody is looking for something different. You have the possibility to explore and do each quest even the Fedex ones, does this mean you need to do it ? Ofc no. I almost forgot to speak about the crafting system, nicely done : collect plants, minerals, specific items on enemies and you can craft weapons/armors adapted to the situation/incoming boss.

👎🏻Negative points :
  • Final Boss (main story) : A big joke. I destroyed him even in Nightmare difficulty. The fight is forgettable because the enemy is sorely lacking in charisma, fortunately the following cutscene makes it possible to raise the level.

  • Filler quests : Way too many.

  • Difficulty : As I said for the final boss, there is a lack of difficulty. Don't get me wrong, the game can be hard, but it mostly depends of your class (and therefore the composition of your group) and your equipment. Playing a warrior who just waves his ax has nothing to do with the gameplay of an assassin where you have to really be mobile (which is a good point).

Conclusion :
Players constantly compare it to DAO, no doubt out of nostalgia. DAO is old and stuffed with unnecessary skills, I'm not sure talking badly about the game as you can only equip 8 skills at a time is very reasonable.
Those who say the game is big and empty… big yes, empty ? Certainly not. This game offers a whole new dimension to the universe of Dragon Age : the diversity of its regions which help to enrich the lore. In Origins, the environments were counted on one hand, there is a real attention to detail with information to be gleaned from right to left. A little advice for those who complain that the game is too big : stop going everywhere. If you don't like exploring, learning lore, or even completing area quests, why do you do it since it's not your thing ? Just do the main quest point A -> point B it will save you a lot of suffering.

I recommend this game just for the story it has to tell you and its iconic characters, you will have a good time.
Posted 21 May, 2021. Last edited 21 September, 2021.
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16.9 hrs on record
"Hugo ?!"

What can I say that has not already been said about this game ? Not much.
"The plague ravages the Kingdom of France. Amicia and her younger brother Hugo are hunted by the Inquisition through villages devastated by the disease. On their way, they will have to join forces with other orphans and escape huge swarms of rats using fire and light. Aided only by the link that binds their fates together, the children will face the darkest days of History in their struggle to survive."

👍🏻Positive points :
  • Narration & Characters : Characters are excellent and endearing with a great voice acting (I played in French), we fear at any time that something bad will happen to them. This is mainly due to an excellent work on the dialogues, we don't get lost in unnecessary chatter for filling and it shows. Information is given to you in small quantities and always pushes you to find out more.

  • Visually : Graphics to make drool CDPR (especially environments, facial expressions can be improved). If the quality of its narration is no longer to be proven, we stop to observe this world, the France in the grip of one of the greatest disasters in our History.


  • Sound : Sound design which fits perfectly and may move some when it frightens others. We feel the stress as the moments of joy as well by our characters as by the work carried out on the sound.

👎🏻Negative points :
  • AI : Simplistic, don't expect the anthology infiltration. Add to that that there should only be about ten enemy skins and it can quickly become redundant

  • Level design : Linear as possible, you only play for the story and eventually explore a bit to find some collectibles items to get a bit of lore (and achievements)

  • Price : 45€. It will be 15 short hours, but intense. Possibly wait for the sales.

Conclusion :
A Plague Tale is an incredible game and of course exaggerated. Imagine Beyblade rats ! As long as you like games mainly focused on the narrative aspect, you should find your happiness without difficulty. I strongly encourage you to give it a try, It's a good gaming experience.
Posted 3 May, 2021. Last edited 21 September, 2021.
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158.3 hrs on record
"Warning : Oxygen, 10%."

Quite simply, an excellent game. The dev tracking is flawless for a game that has continued to improve over the years.

👍🏻Positive points :
  • Survival : Amazing and very well dosed. We are constantly pushed to explore which takes us deeper in order to unlock new technologies and make discoveries. You can build your bases as you see fit : large and spacious to accommodate your vehicles, simple and energy-optimized, in the dark abyss, on dry land etc...

  • World & Story : Gripping and we want to know more about the past of this world. You will make discoveries sometimes fascinating, sometimes terrifying without your curiosity diminishing.


  • Sound : The atmosphere is just incredible, I have more than once panicked in front of the fauna (like the flora). We observe every corner for fear that a predator will appear and make us his meal. Regarding the OST, it is magnificent and reinforces the immersion.

👎🏻Negative points :
  • Objectively ? Except some minor bugs, nothing. Maybe others will find things to complain about, I am not.

Conclusion :
What I prefer the most is this calm and this emptiness that one feels at the bottom of the sea. Several times I stopped to listen, it is soothing, and it feels good.

I can only recommend this game, a must-have for lovers of the genre and why not for amateurs. It's a great experience, I will return to this game with pleasure but first I have to try Below Zero.
Posted 1 May, 2021. Last edited 21 September, 2021.
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