Philipp   Texas, United States
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Silver Elite Master : (✔️)
Gold Nova 1 : (✔️)
Gold Nova 2 : (✔️)
Gold Nova 3 : (✔️)
Gold Nova Master : (✔️)
Master Guardian 1 : (✔️)
Master Guardian 2 : (✔️)
Master Guardian Elite :(✔️)
Distinguished Master Guardian : (✔️)
Legendary Eagle : (✔️)
Legendary Eagle Master (✔️)
Supreme Master First Class : (❌)
The Global Elite : (❌)

There is an opinion within me that I cannot dare deny without a state of meditation to challenge its concrete foundations in my mind. There are countless, including myself, that believe the Earth is round. This has not always been the case throughout human history however, and it is the more ancient thought that I will turn to, to try and persuade my thinking. If the Earth is truly round, then why have I never been able to observe this directly myself in my existence of twenty years. Some would call me crazy for even challenging this thought, and I am one who would share in that action if I were not the one sitting here and truly contemplating the legitimacies of this idea. However, one must sit upon what he believes and attempt to reconstruct what he believes from the fundamentals.

How am I to sit and believe the Earth is round when I have never in my life done one observation to confirm that belief. The only way I have ever been persuaded in that train of thought was through the writings of others or their spoken lessons. There are some who would use the aforementioned system of thinking to confirm their beliefs that the Earth is not round. For now, I am not going to reject their ways; rather, I am going to embrace them.

The very detractors that state the Earth is not round firmly hold that the Earth is indeed flat. If they believe things such as this, our perceptions of gravity would clearly hold them in the wrong. However, what if we throw away those methods of thinking that restrict our minds. Gravity is a theory anyway, so then in the same sense the thought of a round Earth is too. Another way of thinking about this complex subject it to limit it only to our senses where we can confirm or deny thoughts upon a personal basis. If I were to truly believe that is Earth is a round form of matter, a very vast one at that, how would I go about confirming that with my very own sight, hearing, or touch?
I am but a very minute creature upon which we call the Earth. I am only able to see, feel, or hear so much. The very task of confirming either thoughts would be very labor intensive. For the most part I am able to deduce with my sight without any aid from any other source that the earth is flat. I may go and drive my car and observe farm fields for as far as the eye can see but there is no curvature to be seen of this Earth I drive on. When I have driven through the mountains, these massive structures, as a group, seem no more than to be disruptions of the smoothness of the Earth, just as if I were to take a sheet of metal and carelessly mark its surface with a file. Even when in a plane forty-thousand-feet in the air, this planet, so widely regarded as round, appears to be nothing more than flat and horizontal.

Like a great thinker once said, “I think, therefore I am.” Coming from this same perspective, but not about ourselves, I can only believe things to be if they are. If I can see it or experience it, then they must be? When it comes to the Earth though, I have never observed its roundness nor experienced it in any meaningful way. In that case, can it really be believed without solid confirmation? On such a serious topic it is hard to divert from what is widely regarded as the truth, but we must all have at least an inkling of skepticism inside each of us.

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CS:GO Glaubensbekenntnis:
Vater unser auf dem A-SPOT,
Geheiligt werde deine AWP,
dein FRAG komme,
dein HEADSHOT geschehe,
wie in NUKE so auch auf DUST.
Unsere tägliche HE gib uns heute.
Und vergib uns unsere TEAMKILLS,
wie auch wir vergeben unseren TEAMMATES.
Und führe uns nicht zum CHEATEN,
sondern erlöse uns von den FLAMERN.
Denn dein ist das AIM und die TAKTIK
und die FRAGGEILHEIT in Ewigkeit.
Screenshot Showcase
This guy had been stalking this lad for days... glad I could be a part of his final hunt for it!
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Review Showcase
3,896 Hours played
This is perhaps my all time favorite game, or at least shooter game. Counter Strike Global Offensive has managed to become this through changing little. Some might see this as a downside, but I believe that this, along with the simple seeming mechanics, are what makes the game great, as its very easy to pickup, even after having not played an entire year. My favorite gamemode in CSGO is competitive, the 5v5 either bomb defusal or hostage rescue where there are two teams who need to coordinate with each other, throwing lots of utility (smoke grenades etc.) and needing to make callouts. I dont really know what else to write here aside from that I really recommend this game! Oh actually, I do know what else. If you're considering getting the game now, especially since it's free, try not to take casual etc serious, as there are many hackers when you play with non-prime. If you like the idea of the game, I would really recommend spending the 15 $ or whatever it is now to upgrade to prime for a much lower hacker percentage, though your teamates will probably still not have mics :D!
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454 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
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last played on 10 Mar
2,383 hrs on record
last played on 10 Mar
💛Zuktilar🧡 3 Mar @ 10:57am 
Ballarne 24 Feb @ 11:04am 
Aim perfection
Goltirisar 23 Feb @ 4:24am 
knows how to win
2peu 👑 21 Feb @ 7:50am 
Being kind in game shows a lot about someone's character. This guy is the most humble person I played against. Was a pleasure!
Lemba 14 Feb @ 10:24pm 
gay as ♥♥♥♥ played with him
Kapkan 7 Feb @ 3:27pm