Oguzhan   Izmir, Izmir, Turkey
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PROFESSIonAL and deVot3D perSON.

Let me be tHe f1R$T wRiTinG iN hErE!

wE hAvE pLay3D a gaME oR a cs2 mAtCh aNd wE wON!

i asK3D i aNyONE wOuld LiKe tO eXChange cOmmendatiONs, and yOu WERE tHe fisT, nOt givinG a reCOMENDATIon bUt iN wriTe iN mY PROfile!

eh eh eh

wHat a pLeasUre wAs seeing tHosE letters iN mY pROfile ...

tHanK yOu fOr taKING tHe tiMe oF mArKING mY pROfile wiTh yOur preSenCE!

Chheeeerrrrsssss ma bRotha,
