Nessuna informazione.
Mekkhane 3 set 2017, ore 13:35 
Kein so ein silber wie Kai :)
Angelo Ball 5 mar 2017, ore 9:14 
you got 10 minuites to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ?
^5 4 feb 2017, ore 13:10 
camperbastard ♥♥♥♥ you, play tetris
Mekkhane 17 nov 2016, ore 11:54 
Enter code:
to get 0.1% off yore next time i care
Angelo Ball 17 nov 2016, ore 10:29 
. ∧__∧
             ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -ALLAHUAKBAR.
            ⊂  つ
             (つ ノ
     \      ☆
             |     ☆
          (⌒ ⌒ヽ   /
    \  (´⌒  ⌒  ⌒ヾ   /
      (’⌒ ; ⌒   ::⌒  )
     (´     )     ::: ) /
  ☆─ (´⌒;:    ::⌒`) :;  )
     (⌒::   ::     ::⌒ )
    / (    ゝ  ヾ 丶  ソ ─
Hurtle 5 dic 2015, ore 6:05 