As you Grow up, you learn that the one person that was never supposed to let you down probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in Love with them and you'll forget that time is flying by. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. You just have to live your life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and Tell someone off. speak Out, be sincere and say it with conviction and never forget where you came from, because when you do: it's a long road home.

Dearest Marie

As the war ends for me I have no regrets. I have seen too much horror. I hope fate has been more merciful to you. Our time on Earth is brief and mine has been filled with so much joy that I can only be thankful for how much I've been blessed. Most specially for the wonder you've brought into my life. This letter is my last. I've been found guilty by a military court for the death of an officer. It was not my intention to kill him. War Makes Men Mad... Though I failed Karl I know my sacrifice has not been in vain. I fought for my country and my liberty, my honor is assured. Since it is the will of God to separate us on Earth I hope we will meet again in heaven. Keep me in your prayers.

Your Loving Papa. Always.

Even Though Their bodies have long since returned to dust, their sacrifice still lives on, we must strive to cherish their memory, and never forget.
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