All she wanted was not to be alone. Yet the city abandoned her like summer does humidity. While her cigarette blushed red she smile for the scratches on the sidewalk. She hated when he stared at her and yet here we were, two black and whites and a knight. Standing around soaked in street lamp, orange. When I finally walked away the promised rain finally came. Relieving me of this night and washing away her beauty.
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Grandma's Saggy Cabbage Jul 8, 2018 @ 5:15am 
Grandma's Saggy Cabbage Mar 1, 2017 @ 4:46pm 
there's gonna be 3 de🅱ent guys and 7 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. At its best, League is just something to play in the ba🅱kground while you talk to your friends but a lot of the time it's either too frustrating or monotonous. If my friends a🅱tually get into it and try to win, we'll just get mad at ea🅱h other and start yellin'n'get into an argument.
Grandma's Saggy Cabbage Mar 1, 2017 @ 4:46pm 
of videos and I've stu🅱k with it be🅱ause I know my fans wanna see me play League. Now, I know some of you are out there like "But Dunkey, what about the 'pro players?'" Now, please understand this. Pro-League of Legends has absolutely nothing to do with "real" League of Legends. The pros are in mat🅱hes where all ten guys are amazing at the game. In REAL League of Legends,
Grandma's Saggy Cabbage Mar 1, 2017 @ 4:45pm 
In League, you don't really have those options and be🅱ause this game wants to 🅱ater to the biggest audien🅱e possible to make the most money like Call of Duty, it's just gonna stay that way forever. And that's what I feel like I'm doing with my League videos. Even though my appre🅱iation for this game is waning all the time and I wanna hit you guys with all these different kinds
Grandma's Saggy Cabbage Mar 1, 2017 @ 4:45pm 
The rank system doesn't work at all. Most of this is just the game 🅱onstantly inhibiting how good you 🅱an a🅱tually do, and any great 🅱ompetitive video game-there are so many te🅱hniques and opportunities for a great player to just whoop some ass.
Grandma's Saggy Cabbage Mar 1, 2017 @ 4:45pm 
hen the rest of the game, both team walking around the map, a🅱🅱omplishing nothing until some dumbass gets 🅱aught; that's every mat🅱h in a nutshell. The death timers are too short. The bounty system punishes you from doing good. The turrets are fu🅱king annoying.