Amanda Eaten By Bears
Jacksonville, Florida, United States
This page is for ignorance, bliss, cake, and vibin' with the sea
Currently Offline
Destiny does not control me. I control it.
Welcome to the home page of Amanda Eaten By Bears. In the early 80s, Amanda Maxwell was tragically eaten by bears. Up until recently, I had always thought it was just a random event. But due to the exposure of having this page on the internet I now know better. It was aliens. The future CIA has been in touch and shown me video of what really went down. We're talking full blown conspiracy. So I'm chillin in my car one day, all alone, probably rocking that Brit Brit cause that's how yours truly likes to get down. When all of a sudden.. part of me just says "look over." So I look towards the passenger seat where I had no passenger before and suddenly I have a passenger. He starts talking a bunch of crazy talk and I slam on the brakes. We pull over and he explains that he's from the future and shows me a hologram video of her being eaten by the bears. Then he proceeds to show me video of aliens teleporting the bears over to our campground. I couldn't watch anymore. All I could ask was, "why me?" And all he could tell me was that Amanda owed the aliens some money for gambling debts. So for all of you who've shown me support and love throughout the years in helping me get through this difficult period, I thank you. But that woman brought it upon herself. Never bet against an advanced alien species. I'll be taking this page down soon. My time here is almost up.

Also, here's a link to my little buddy's gaming channel. He's trying to get a few more gaming subscribers. Js
Amanda Eaten By Bears 3 Mar @ 4:06pm 
I'm glad I upset you. It's moments like this that make life so spicy.
Petals 2 Mar @ 4:01am 
Worst DBD teammate you could possibly come across. In pregame lobby was talking crap to a teammate over their character skin. Got hooked first then tried to sui***e on hook and once unhooked went around and dropped every pallet they could while jumping in and out of lockers to draw the killer to them. Threw the entire game because they suck. Please just uninstall the game instead of wasting all of our time. You're garbage.
Amanda Eaten By Bears 6 Feb @ 3:56pm 
You have no redeeming qualities if your base stats are that low and you can't even entertain me. I'm banning you for being negative amounts of cool. Gaben, banish this peasant from commenting on my profile and for the possibility of making other people less cool by interacting with him or being anywhere near him irl! Away you vile being!
overcontiquez 6 Feb @ 2:39pm 
i want to touch it!!!!!!!!!!! com back 2 me .
Amanda Eaten By Bears 4 Feb @ 6:22pm 
...but if you wanna take the gloves off I'll have to quote my man, Al Bundy, after scoring 4 touchdowns in a single game for his beloved Polk High School Panthers.. Let's rock.
Amanda Eaten By Bears 4 Feb @ 5:59pm 
You don't want to tangle with me. We just ain't on the same level. You're inferior. And all that bs screams insecure to anyone who can read it. There's nothing charismatic about you or creative in anything you said. You're just following the path others have laid out before you were born and weird is 100% accurate as a description of who you really are. Water is wet. Sky is blue. #whatareyagonnado