:steamhappy:Playing for Rain Forest

:steamhappy:Numele in joc: Reus / In game name: Reus
:steamhappy: Numele adevarat: Joita Alin / Real name: Joita Alin
:steamhappy:Tara din care provin: Romania / Country of origin: Romania
:steamhappy:Orasul în care stau: Targoviste / The city I live in: Targoviste
:steamhappy:Varsta mea: 14 ani / My age: 14 years old
:steamhappy:Jocuri favorite: CS:GO / Favorite games: CS:GO
:steamhappy:Jucator de CS:GO favorit: dev1ce / Favorite CS:GO player: dev1ce

:steamhappy:Lista de prieteni & trade-uri ⊗ / ⊗ Friends list & Trades

:steamhappy:Nu accept in lista de prieteni persoane pe care nu le cunosc sau pe cei care au inventaru / profilu privat. / I don't accept random people or people with private inventory / profile.
:steamhappy: Nu dau iteme pe gratis decat dacă iti sunt dator cu ceva sau de pomana. / I don't give items for free only if i have a duty for you.
:steamhappy:Nu voi accepta trade-uri cu iteme mai jos de 1 euro. / I will not accept trades with items lower then 1 euro.
Nu incercati sa imi dati scam pentru ca va voi da block direct. / Don't try to scam me, because you will get blocked instantly.
Sa nu ai pe profil ban trade / ban game sau VAC. / You do not have trade ban / ban game or VAC
:steamhappy: In rest...daca indepliniţi cele 5 cerinte de mai sus va accept cererile la toti, am destule sloturi pentru fiecare. / Otherwise ... if you meet the above 4 requirements you accept applications from all , I have enough slots for each.

Tournaments / Turnee
Currently Offline
Fabian Bombardierul 28 Feb, 2018 @ 2:49am 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 Key! {LINK REMOVED}
Akull 30 Jan, 2018 @ 6:17am 
Trade Your Cases For Keys! 4 CASES = 1 KEY! {LINK REMOVED}
Lionel Bajatu' 27 Jan, 2018 @ 9:36am 
Trade Your Cases For Keys! 4 CASES = 1 KEY : {LINK REMOVED}
Lightning Mcqueen 16 Jan, 2018 @ 4:25am 
{LINK REMOVED} 4 CS:GO CASES = 1 CS:GO KEY (csgotradecases . online)
cjen 5 Nov, 2017 @ 11:24am 
+rep good player,please add
Conopida 28 Jan, 2017 @ 7:10am 
+rep sa fie